Where Can You Get A Credit Card?Posted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Although credit cards only used to be available from a small number of banks, nowadays you can get credit cards just about anywhere. There are literally thousands of companies and financial institutions supplying credit cards, and so it really does pay to shop around to find a deal that suits your needs. If you want to know more about the various places you can get credit cards, then here is some advice to get you started. Banks Obviously, the most traditional place to get credit cards is at the bank. All banks offer a wide variety of credit cards. Although not always the cheapest, credit cards from banks have the advantage of good service support and the fact that you can meet someone face to face to discuss any problems that you have. Looking for a credit card at your local bank is often a good place to start. Online Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option around is to get a credit card online. You can apply for the card in a matter of minutes, and the rates are usually lower. This is because online companies have fewer overheads and so can pass this on to customers. Also, online issuers usually have good online banking systems, although there is less in the way of other support services and online companies can be harder to get hold of and more impersonal. Credit unions Although not everyone is eligible to join a credit union, if you are eligible or are already a member then you could get an excellent credit card deal. Credit unions are run by their members, and so the fees are much less than those of banks and building societies. However, you usually have to save some money with a credit union before being eligible to borrow credit, and it can be hard to become a member of such unions. Building societies Many people overlook building societies when looking for a credit card, although building societies now offer the same levels of service and options as most banks. When you are looking for a credit card, you should look at your local building societies as well as the banks in order to find a good deal. You could even combine a credit card with a mortgage package, which could save you money on both products. Supermarkets One of the newest suppliers of credit cards are supermarkets. Due to their massive presence in towns and cities, supermarkets are branching out into financial service products such as credit cards. Although the options aren't as vast as those at a bank, you can get some good deals and even discounts on items within the store. Other retail stores are also offering credit cards, as are sports clubs and other businesses. If you want to find the best deal for a credit card, then you should look at all of these options before committing to anything. Like it? Share it!More by this author |