US-Based RedInk Secured Million to Help Students with Their Writing Skills!

Posted by Techugo Pvt. Ltd. on September 1st, 2021

Do you have a knack for writing? 

We all have a writer hidden inside us; however, the only difference is some people like and enhance the skill, while others let it be!

One of the most effective advice is to read out loud what you’ve written. 


BECAUSE only then you’ll hear your words and be able to judge better. Vocalizing enables you to complete your incomplete thoughts and express the unexpressed. 

Imagine reading out your own piece and dealing with the boredom at the same time. What does it indicate? IT INDICATES that you have to get better and strengthen your writing. 

Hope this piece of advice works for you!

Fortunately, here’s a tech solution for you all! A San Francisco-based startup named RedInk developed an e-learning platform to help students with their writing skills using the software.  

Isn’t it a great initiative?

RedInk Offers a Digital Writing Curriculum 

The company bagged billion in its Series B funding after six years of its Series A round. Working for over a decade on the project, the startup recently announced its digital writing curriculum.

According to the CEO of RedInk, students get their sheets marked with red ink, and after that, they have no idea about getting ahead with it. Therefore, the vision is to help students figure out where they lack and improve their skills. 

The platform offers personalized practice, comforting kids about their writing and enabling them to explore. 

It won’t be wrong to say that the idea behind the development of RedInk is exceptionally great. In fact, more such kids learning programs must be initiated to help in the growing years of the children.

HOLD ON! Are you thinking that we are? 

Let’s say it out loud- EDUCATION APP DEVELOPMENT!

That’s right! It is not only a tremendous idea to help children with their learning but a great monetization strategy for your business as well. 

How? Don’t worry as we’ll be answering the same for you! So, keep reading to know. 

Before that, take note that connecting with the best iPhone or Android application development company in USA should be your next move. 

Benefits of Online Learning Platforms 

  • Flexibility 

Where to study and when to study? There are no boundaries to time and place. Users can read and learn on the go, on vacation, or anywhere else they want to, which is one of the top reasons students opt for online learning platforms. 

  • Continuous 

Learning is no more restricted to the four walls of the classroom, especially after the pandemic. Neither is it limited to any time slot. Therefore, students can sign in to take a class whenever they feel like, and pause the same when exhausted.

  • Independence of Age

Though education has no age barriers, grown-ups hesitate to visit medical institutions. Learning apps give equal and fair chances to kids and adults to learn without hesitation. 

  • Easy Access 

e-learning apps also integrate study material for learners to access it anytime they want. It eliminates the use of paper; thus, students can learn online.

  • Affordable Means 

We see a lot of kids not going to school because their families cannot afford expensive education. 

It’s great that with online learning apps, all they have to do is pay a minimal amount and log in to learn. Notably, some apps also offer free education, which means no fee has to be paid at all. 

Cost of Educational App Development 

Do you think there’s a universal figure for all types of app development? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that! 

The cost of app development depends on numerous factors. Therefore, to make it easier for you, here are a few lined below:

  • Choice of the platform- Android or iOS

  • Number of features integrated

  • Tech stack used

  • UI/UX design

  • Complexity of the project

  • Developer’s cost


To Sum Up 

Undoubtedly, it is a great step taken by RedInk to educate and enhance the skills possessed by children. Therefore, if you want to contribute to the same, developing an e-learning app is a perfect idea! 

What’s more? Connecting with the top Android or iOS app development company in USA can be of great help.

So, what are you waiting for?

Schedule your first consultation today!

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Techugo Pvt. Ltd.

About the Author

Techugo Pvt. Ltd.
Joined: April 9th, 2020
Articles Posted: 4

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