shortly be implementing a fix to permit adult male
Posted by haers on April 22nd, 2016
Head to Burthorpe and visit the environmentalist to urge started. the large to OSRS Gold Cats quiz can begin double hourly – on the hour and at half-past. Answer queries properly to earn points, which may be accustomed adopt companions and unlock titles.You can conjointly speak to the environmentalist to gift to WWF victimization Bonds.
For each Bond given to the environmentalist through Gregorian calendar month 20th-August seventeenth, Jagex can gift a minimum of £2.85 to WWF in support of their world conservation effort.Doing thus helps you to adopt a lot of companions, and earns non-Ironman characters an enormous cats gift per Bond – containing seven Treasure Hunter Keys.Update: we'll shortly be implementing a fix to permit adult male characters to gift Bonds and adopt the lion and ounce cubs.Speak to the environmentalist to open the Sanctuary interface, wherever you'll collect your companions and unlock your titles.
Companions:Panthera onca Cub | nine pointscub | nine pointscub | one Bondounce Cub | five Bonds (total)For ensuing four weeks, you'll use a beast of burden pouch on any of the cub to Buy OSRS Gold companions to impart identical advantages to your feline friend.