COUNTIFS Function in Excel: With Multiple Criteria version of COUNTIF

Posted by Wilbur Omar Chua on September 6th, 2021

When using multiple conditions to count number, text, and any other kind of cells, we use a more powerful tool in Excel we call the COUNTIFS Function in Excel. Both the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS Function in Excel do the same thing. A couple of striking differences will come from how the formula is used in terms of format, and the number of conditions you can set before you start counting. The COUNTIFs Function in Excel is used to count cells or pieces of data that fit the multiple conditions or criteria needed in a particular data analysis. These are statistical tools which can tell you the number of cells that basically fit what you want to be counted. 

In the article provided, we will show you how the COUNTIFS Formula in Excel works, we will also break it down for you and show you some examples you can check and follow, especially how to use COUNTIFS function in Excel with Multiple Criteria. 

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Wilbur Omar Chua

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Wilbur Omar Chua
Joined: July 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 17

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