Best Travel Reward Credit Card BetsPosted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Believe it or not, frequent flyer cards are really not a good deal. The best option is to actually take the tips and advice offered below, and you will most probably not go wrong. The fact of the matter is that according to Fortune magazine, if in case you may still have credit cards that have an airline name on, you should immediately cut it up. Anything you may have known on any travel reward credit cards may not be necessarily true. This is due not solely due to the high rates of interest and annual fees they slap on un-suspecting credit card holders. The real issue comes from the teeny weeny bang that they offer for a lot of your bucks. Such a travel reward program actually limits all your other credit options. Currently, there are a lot of airlines which fly fewer planes using a lot cheaper fares. At the same time, a lot of other people are crazily accumulating numerous flyer miles. This even basically means that there are tickets for rewards that are less available and are actually worth a lot less. Also, think about it. By accumulating a lot of miles in one specific airline, you may be limiting yourself for any other ? probably better ? options in the next vacation you take. Also, though rates of hotel are getting higher, finding these has also become a lot easier. One can also find these for free. Using Starwood, which is the parent firm of popular and classy hotels such as Sheraton, Westin, Le Meridien, among others, points could be used to avail of rooms. Believe it or not, people actually spend a lot more for their hotel than on airline tickets. It is a lot sensible therefore to invest more on a rewards program for a hotel. Travel rewards points earned through Starpoints could easily be transferred to more than twenty various airlines. Currently, Fortune has classified the following as the best travel reward credit cards available on the planet. The best travel reward credit cards for you The American Express issued Starwood American Express Preferred Guest is one such best travel reward credit card. The annual fee for this card is actually free during the first such year of its use. Thereafter, thirty dollars will be charged annually. The airline partners of this travel reward credit card numbers to more than thirty. The program works by converting to one point for every dollar charged. The fact of the matter is that Starwood is the gold and most solid standard for travel reward credit cards. Believe it or not, one could not get solely a room in a hotel owned by Starwood for as little as two thousand points, these same points are also transferable to thirty airlines. Another best travel reward credit card is the Marriot Premier Rewards Signature Visa Card as issued by Visa. The annual fee for this card is pegged at sixty five dollars. Their partner airlines number to more than twenty five. Their program works wherein one point is equivalent to a dollar charged. Though this particular card offers no other bonuses when points are converted to miles, its partner include the Ritz Carlton. All in all, the best travel reward credit cards are out there. All you have to do is open your mind and accept the difference these cards could bring to your life. Like it? Share it!More by this author |