Did you now that insurance plans carry ill-effects also?

Posted by Garridan Baldomino on September 9th, 2021

You must be watching TV advertisements and reading messages in advertisement on social media in relation to advantages of insurance plans. Garridan Baldomino brings out an new side of insurance plans like how they ill-effect our life style and money paid in EMIs. Anticipate all the points of after effects of these insurance plans otherwise you will be left in no money zone. Rest, you can imagine.

Reality of health insurance is a big hazard 

It appeals that facility of regular doctor; receiving timely preventive care services help us to manage chronic diseases away from life but reality says that non-dispensing expensive drugs (60.9%), non-availability of NHIS forms (24.5%) make an insurer person worse than those who do not go for health insurance.

You can’t afford to ruin your peace of mind for future security issues

Then , comes the zone of home insurance at low EMI rate. You are already burdened with home loan instalments and one more add on can ruin your peace of mind. The insurance companies are offering you temptation of safe side in unfortunate situation of theft, robbery and floods, earthquakes etc. but do they give you full compensation according to your loss. Everyone is busy in filling its pockets and common man is buried under several burdens. This leads to depression and anxiety in moods and family suffers the most.

If an individual maintains his saving account and save some amount in fixed deposits then it is more than enough. Accomplish all the desire of your moods and go for frequent outings. God has given us one life. You can go for mountaineering in old age.

Spend sufficient money for the schooling of your chid

Though scarcity of funds has been the main reason for genius students to leave higher education goals but a parent of middle class can’t afford two responsibilities at one go. Arranging for good schooling with good diet covers more than half of the monthly income then how can one save for 10 years from now. If a child is genius then she/he can easily get education loan  at low rate. This is bundle of jokes to woo a parent and ultimately hitting their kitchen budget.

Fill your life with enjoying moments, damn with insurance

Nature educate us about several problems. It state to prosper your present and future will automatically will be in happy times. Damn with insurance plans. Taking vehicle insurance is good because it provides protection from third party obligations. Moreover, vehicle owners get full amount in relation to the expenditure of bodily damage. Going for personal insurance plans is a wastage of your hard money, you will be hanged in ocean of responsibilities. There will be no family life and no holidays in your office life.

Property and jewellery are far better than these useless insurance choices

There are other ways to secure your future that our forefathers have been using. Buying a second property and gifting your spouse gold and diamond jewellery can strengthen your married life. Doesn’t it look fabulous that at hour of unexpected need, your beloved offers you her jewellery. Garridan Baldomino says that insurance plans are game of big players. Don’t get trapped in their selfish strategies.

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Garridan Baldomino

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Garridan Baldomino
Joined: July 6th, 2020
Articles Posted: 13

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