Everything You Need to Know About Craniosynostosis

Posted by shorthillscranialcenter on September 15th, 2021

Craniosynostosis happens in infants when one or more natural spaces (cranial sutures) of the skull align together post-delivery or before birth. The skull of an infant includes seven bones with cranial sutures (gaps) between them. When the sutures join together, they cause this condition which is rare but has treatment.

According to research, 1 out of 2,500 infants born or develop this condition. There are four types of synostosis based on which bone is attached early. This situation leads to distinct features, which are as follows:

•           Lambdoid synostosis

•           Metopic synostosis

•           Coronal craniosynostosis

•           Sagittal synostosis

Sometimes infants develop one or a combination of synostosis. Each of these conditions looks different, and signs can vary from mild to severe. If you’re unable to detect the condition in your child, you can see a specialist.

Symptoms of Craniosynostosis:

1. A rare feel to the soft spot or fontanel on the skull of the infant.

2. A distorted shape of the skull.

3. Hard ridge developing along the gaps based on the sort of craniosynostosis.

4. Early desertion of the soft spot or fontanel.

5. Slower head growth as compared to the entire body.

A newly born may not have any early signs or symptoms, but the situation may become clear in the first month.


If you notice any of the above conditions, see your pediatrician as soon as possible. They will monitor the infant’s head by measuring its growth during each visit. There are some additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Imaging tests, for example, X-rays and CT scans, can potentially show which gaps have merged.


When it comes to craniosynostosis treatment in New Jersey, cranial helmets are one of the best and effective treatments. Specialists will determine the length of cranial helmets for infants in New York, depending on how fast the shape responds to treatment.

Just make sure that while choosing the helmet therapy experts, you have asked the right questions to understand the entire procedure. Before taking the final step, you must understand how craniosynostosis treatment in New Jersey works and the post-treatment care routine.


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