Financial Analysis with Excel Explained:

Posted by Wilbur Omar Chua on September 16th, 2021

Entrepreneurs and decision makers in general use financial analysis to evaluate the current financial health of a business or investment. From this, they can make more decisions regarding growth, specializations, etc by knowing what can improve the profitability and the bottom line. So what is Financial Analysis? FInancial Analysis is done by analyzing a set of numbers we call financial ratios that are derived from the company’s financial statements. This is done to evaluate the strengths and the points for improvement, that will ultimately lead to a better and more efficient performance moving forward.

While there are many methods to do this, Financial Analysis with Excel has always been convenient and more organized. In this article, we will discuss how to do Financial Analysis with Excel, what metrics to look at and and how ,most importantly, Financial Analysis with Excel helps you make your future 
decisions more efficiently and effectively. 

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Wilbur Omar Chua

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Wilbur Omar Chua
Joined: July 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 17

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