Three Situations When You Should Hire Labor Attorneys

Posted by Marcus McGowan on September 21st, 2021

With the rising number of workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, or depriving employees of their lawful wages and benefits, etc. it has been vital than ever to know about your workplace rights and how the law is set to safeguard your interest against any kind of injustice of employers. However, the sheer lack of knowledge among most workers of their legal rights has made it an advantageous point for employers to treat them unfairly in various terms. So, if you have encountered any dispute relating to your employment, consulting expert labor attorneys in Los Angeles without a delay is the best course of action to protect your right.

These seasoned lawyers take note of your concern, advise you about your options and steps to follow, investigate the matter, advocate as a legal representative on your behalf, ensure your legal rights are protected, evaluate the settlement amount that you deserve to offset your damages and secure fair compensation for you via negotiation/ mediation, or trial. Although employment lawyers specialize in a range of workplace issues, here we focus on three particular reasons why you should talk to a lawyer:

Workplace discrimination or harassment

One of the sad realities in the workplace is even after strict laws are set forbidding employers from discriminating and harassing employees - it’s escalating. Discrimination in the workplace involves unfair treatment by employers based on an employee’s religion, color race, disability like pregnancy, age, etc. Working with labor attorneys in Los Angeles can be immensely beneficial to get you legal justice in the case, you are discriminated against in the hiring process, wages, promotions, job assignment, or being laid-off. It’s in a similar way; these lawyers can assist you enormously by defending you and getting you compensated for outraging your modesty as you feel sexually harassed or assaulted in your workplace. The legal experts are seasoned to deal with your alleged harasser based on the legal provisions, evidences, and investigation to prove your harassment.  

Wrongful and Constructive Dismissal

Unless you are hired with a job contract, in most states t the usual norm of employment is ‘at will’ which neither makes an employer nor an employee obligate to explain the reasons if they want to terminate their employer-employee relationship. Nonetheless, according to federal law, if you are fired by your employer by breaching anti-discrimination law, violation of job contract, public policy, or in case it’s against retaliation for your complaining about workplace toxic environment (whistleblowing) it will be treated as wrongful termination.

Similarly, a unilateral action taken by your employer by bringing sudden changes to your employment rule like job duties, compensation, or job posting, etc, that compel you to quit the job is defined as constructive dismissal. Proving both wrongful termination and constructive dismissal is more than hard-hitting. So, unless you are fired for your non-performance, violation of workplace rules, etc, most likely it’s illegal whereas hiring labor attorneys in Los Angeles makes sense to attain legal justice and compensation from your employer.

Depriving of Your Entitlements/Benefits  

Deriving employees from getting their legitimate wages, refusing to pay or paying less than their overtime payments, failure to maintain health and safety in the workplace as per regulations, denying sick leave, or refusing pregnancy leave entitlements as set by the act is found widespread in the workplace. If you are a victim of any of the above situations, having the advice of learned labor attorneys in Los Angeles is the best resort for you to avail legal remedy immediately and get your back pay with compensation and lawful right.

Akopyan Law Firm, A.P.C. is a Los Angeles based attorney representing the clients in practice areas including employment law, personal injury, labor law ( akopyanlaw/practice-areas/labor-law/ ), sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, unlawful termination, race discrimination, reasonable accommodation, bicycle and bus accidents, sex discrimination, overtime, unpaid wages, wage and hour, and more. To know more, visit

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Marcus McGowan

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Marcus McGowan
Joined: November 28th, 2020
Articles Posted: 20

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