Should Addicts Say Yes to Coffee?

Posted by Trust care on September 29th, 2021

Much Drug Rehabilation Center in Pune state that the drug and alcohol addicts should drink up coffee but at a considerable amount. The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Pune said that as the drink has caffeine in it, it does make one feel sleepy for a while, whereas many people try to stay awake being in high energetic mode. However, both the situations are not too good to witness as coming out of rehabs and dwelling with the society, the addicts should intake everything at a reasonable and small quantity and thus maintain their schedule in such a manner. Thus, the Drug Rehabilation Center in Pune came up with some health conscious treats which can go hand-in-hand with the consumption of coffee among the alcohol and drug addicts.

Coffee drinking repetitively can also cause stress and issues in your daily life, then you are likely to have a caffeine addiction. However, in most of the cases, a mild disorder majorly escalates and may lead towards serious issues, thus, early the treatment, better for the body.


Coffee is one of the most consumed foods in the world. Who resists a good cup on a Monday morning or on a cold rainy day. The fact is that, no matter how good it is, the abuse of coffee is not healthy at all and we must be aware that it must be consumed responsibly. Therefore, we bring you a few tips so that you can enjoy this delicious drink without worry. If you are coffee lovers, you know… we’re starting!


Don’t think that we’re forcing you to have a latte. A good espresso is always a marvel but we cannot use coffee as a substitute for other foods. At mid-morning we must eat, for example, a fruit and not replace this food intake with a coffee. These small gestures will help us maintain a healthy diet and use coffee responsibly.


As with any other food, we should not abuse coffee. Drinking one or two a day is more than enough to fill our need for caffeine. Otherwise, we will feel excessively nervous, it will be hard to sleep and each time we will need more coffee to notice the effects of this. If what you miss is the taste, remember that there are several brands of decaffeinated that are equally delicious.


The substances contained in coffee make it a drink that is not suitable for everyone. For example, during pregnancy and lactation it is not recommended to drink coffee since caffeine can be transmitted to the fetus causing developmental problems.

Nor is it an optimal drink for people who suffer from excessive nervousness or insomnia or for those who have stomach problems as it is a drink quite aggressive with the gastric mucous membranes. Those who have hypertension should also not drink coffee as this food increases tension. It is also not recommended for those suffering from osteoporosis as caffeine hinders the absorption of calcium. In short, you should consult if coffee is suitable for you taking into account your nuances and specific aspects of your health.





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Trust care

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Trust care
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