Things to Know Before a Yoga Retreat in Kerala - Au Revoir

Posted by viral mafia digital on September 30th, 2021

Are you feeling the urge to refresh your body, mind and soul and planning to pack your bags and head to a Yoga retreat? Yoga retreat is for everyone but it is very important to be aware of certain things which will help you get the full value of the time and money you intend to spend at the Yoga Retreat.

Ayurveda should be a big reason for you to choose Kerala for your Yoga Retreat. Since Kerala is considered to be the birthplace of Ayurveda, a Yoga Retreat in Kerala means an Ayurvedic Retreat as well. So some sort of Ayurveda experience will be a part of Yoga, as most Yoga Retreats in Kerala offer Ayurvedic rituals like massages, Ayurvedic cooking, consultation with Ayurvedic doctors, herbal medications and more. So, it is always good to choose a Wellness Retreat with Yoga.

Yoga in Sanskrit, means \'Harmony in Unity\'. A physiological, psychosomatic, and sacred discipline practiced by ancient Yogis of India. It is a mental, spiritual and physical order and it is essentially a way of life that lets you be in perfect harmony with yourself and your environment. Yoga encompasses the entire body, mind, and spirit and this helps in personal development. Your own consciousness unites with the universal consciousness through Yoga.

Kerala is well-known for its Ayurvedic treatments and world-class Yoga sessions. Yoga retreats in Kerala are famous for their treatments and medication.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga ameliorates strength, balance, and flexibility. It helps improve breathing. Yoga provides relief from chronic back pain and is beneficial for heart health. You get a better sleep by practicing Yoga. Yoga boosts your mental and physical energy. It is great for stress management and reduces anxiety. Yoga reduces inflammation. It promotes better self-care.

Here are the things you must know before heading to a Yoga Retreat:

Research the Instructor

If you are going to a Yoga Retreat for the first time, or after some time, you should ensure your Yoga teacher matches your personality and know the kinds of styles that they are masters of. If this research is not conducted properly, you would probably ruin a supposedly effective retreat.

The kind of Yoga you will be practicing

You should be knowing what kind of Yoga you will be doing throughout your stay, even though you might be an adventurous person and have a love for trying out new things. If your mind knows what to expect, then your level of preparedness will increase for any type of Yoga.

Timetable of activities

You should enquire about the timetable of activities planned out through the retreat. It should not happen that you spend most of the time doing Yoga and do not have time for leisure activities.

Downtime planning

There should be room for activities like reading, taking a nap or taking a walk which are highly essential for your personal downtime. Your downtime needs to be thoroughly planned out so that you can enjoy maximum and this has to be chalked out personally.

Keep it Solo

A solo mission is best for a Yoga Retreat. When you go alone, you are stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve something that is refreshing and rejuvenating for your body, mind, and soul. You get the opportunity to meet new interesting people and can make friends and expand your network.

Know your Budget

Financial planning is crucial for your Yoga Retreat, to get the ultimate experience. The cheapest Retreat may not always provide that. You will have to save up to gain the most special and meaningful experience.

The right mindset

Do not carry business email, office tasks or students assignments to the Yoga Retreat. You have to keep all kinds of distractions minimal. Stay open minded.

Wellness Retreat with Yoga, Au Revoir

At Au Revoir, the best Wellness Retreat with Yoga in Kerala, that offers the top Ayurvedic packages in Kerala, the place to perform Yoga postures or Asanas is perfect, as it is perched high and is secluded from the rest of the retreat. One of the best Ayurveda resorts in Palakkad, here you can enjoy the fresh air all around and also the beauty of the enchanting nature, showcasing the sudden breathtaking changes in the atmosphere.

Whether you are a novice or a regular Yoga enthusiast, we have a well-qualified Yoga expert to lead and guide you. At the retreat, you can also practice meditation, and relieve all your stress, enjoying oneness with Mother Nature.

Au Revoir Ayurveda treatment centre, Palakkad is a prime Health Retreat in Kerala. Visit the foremost Yoga and Meditation Centre in Kerala and the best resort in Palakkad, to utilize the opportunity to unplug, and you will feel a great change happening in your life, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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viral mafia digital

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viral mafia digital
Joined: December 17th, 2020
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