There is no penalty for killing any player of an opposing bns gold faction
Posted by upfifa on April 28th, 2016
World PvP is not equalized.
There is no penalty for killing any player of an opposing faction.
Putting on a faction costume also Blade and Soul gold site unlocks daily factions quests and faction-specific Windstride locations.
Once an opponent within a valid level range is successfully taken down, the player is rewarded with a temporary currency known as Prestige Points, Blade and Soul gold site which accumulates with every kill. These points can be stolen from other players when defeating them. Prestige points are reset to zero when the player is defeated, removes their faction costume, changes channel, takes a Windstride, leaves the zone, or logs out of the game.
Prestige is able to be traded for Blade and Soul gold site reputation within your faction, as well as for items and other rewards. The more opposing faction members you defeat, the more Prestige you can collect and trade in, and the greater the reputation and rewards you can obtain!