World of Warcraft Classic Gets World Bosses

Posted by freeamfva on November 6th, 2021

World of Warcraft Classic Gets World Bosses

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft Classic will be getting world bosses and the PvP Honor System at some point during the week of November 12, 2019.To get more news about safely buy wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
Currently in World of Warcraft Classic, players can participate in PvP in certain cases, but nothing is gained besides the joy of victory. The PvP Honor system will reward players with with a point for each skill and and will build your rank as you play.

World Bosses Azuregos and Kazzak will appear in WoW Classic and The Dire Maul is currently playable at BlizzCon.Blizzard also announced that Dottie, the baby alpaca, will be the new charity pet for World of Warcraft and will go on sale in December and will benefit both Make a Wish and

In other World of Warcraft news, Shadowlands was announced as the newest expansion for 2020 and will feature Warcraft\'s version of the afterlife as the setting for WoW\'s eighth expansion.It features five new zones, including \"the gleaming fields of Bastion, the scarred battlefields of Maldraxxus, the eternal twilight of Ardenweald, the opulent keeps of Revendreth, and the horrific Maw.\"

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