What are the different methods of communication?

Posted by jaques montegolifier on December 2nd, 2021

Working in a team needs far more than just hard work, team spirit, and the willingness to collaborate with a group of individuals. Effective communication is the most critical yet overlooked factor in a team\'s success. Since it enables the flow of information, communication is an essential aspect of any corporate environment.

Communication is a must, whether you need information regarding the sales leads generated by your marketing team or unique ideas from your team members to tackle a specific problem.

What role does it play?

The information exchange between people is what communication is all about. Employees in any organization must communicate with one another to achieve desired results. Most organizations hire strategic communications consultants to help the employees communicate better.

Regarding team communication, member engagement aims to communicate information that is crucial for achieving corporate goals. Furthermore, good communication allows team members to coordinate with one another efficiently.

What are the methods?

You can use different communication strategies to exchange information with one another. However, the following are the most prevalent organizational communication methods:

Verbal communication

The most prevalent mode used by teams within corporations is verbal communication. It is a type in which information gets communicated vocally. The person acting as the source communicates information using specific words or making sound patterns, while the one receiving the information hears them out.

Written communication

This is another approach used to communicate information in words or symbols written on paper or similar material. The person who wants to communicate a message must write it on paper, and the one receiving must read it out for better understanding. The best thing about written communication is that it creates a permanent record of information retrievable anytime.

Non-verbal communication

Gestures, postures, and facial expressions are used for conveying information during nonverbal communication. Visual signals such as body language and eye contact are used for conveying information. Public speaking training helps understand non-verbal communication better.  Remember, nonverbal communication might happen unintentionally.

Visual communication

Signs, drawings, illustrations, graphics, images, and other forms get used to convey information and messages. You may find it easier to interpret information if correct visual elements get used.

Visual components get used in both verbal and written communication to convey the message clearer. During team meetings, visual communication gets used with spoken and textual communication.

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jaques montegolifier

About the Author

jaques montegolifier
Joined: April 22nd, 2019
Articles Posted: 49

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