Stay Safe from a Head Injury with a Cranial Helmet

Posted by shorthillscranialcenter on December 3rd, 2021

A brain injury is any type of trauma that affects the brain. The brain is a soft, spongy tissue that floats in liquid layers called the meninges. The meninges are bounded by the hard cavity of the skull which provides mechanical and structural protection to the fragile brain tissue.


It can sustain several different types of injuries. These injuries can be traumatic or non-traumatic, acquired, or congenital, focal, or diffuse, as well as primary or secondary.


Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries are caused by external factors that disrupt or damage brain functions and structures. These injuries can be closed (non-penetrating) or open (penetrating) injuries. The most common causes of traumatic injuries are road traffic accidents, assaults to the head, and falls.


Types of traumatic brain injuries are:


  • Concussions: This is the most common type of injury. It can be caused by a blow to the head, a fall, a gunshot wound, violent shaking of the head, or whiplash. In a concussion, the sudden change in momentum or rotation of the head causes damage to cranial blood vessels.
  • Contusion: This is a bruise that forms due to a blow or hit to the head.
  • Coup-contrecoup Injuries: This describes an injury in which the force is so strong that it causes damage at the site of an impact as well as on the opposite side of the impact due to movement of the brain within the skull.
  • Recurrent or Repetitive Brain Injuries: Also known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, this type of injury is seen in athletes and other people who sustain repeated blows to the head over a long period of time.
  • Axonal Shearing: This is caused by excessive rotational forces on the head such as during a road traffic accident or in shaken baby syndrome.
  • Penetrating Injuries: This is when an object breaks through the skull and causes direct structural damage.


Non-Traumatic Brain Injury

This type of injury is caused by internal forces. Cranial Remolding in New York states that common types of non-traumatic brain injuries are strokes, aneurysms, encephalitis, hemorrhage, etc. Most of these injuries are caused by a disruption in blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain or by infections.



Preventing Brain Injury


  • Use Cranial Helmets for Infants New York while playing rough sports
  • Use helmets while riding a motorbike or cycle
  • Do not dive into shallow pools or bodies of water
  • Closely supervise small children while they play since they are more accident-prone
  • Be vigilant on the road to avoid accidents
  • Don\'t drink and drive
  • Make your surroundings more secure to prevent falls and accidents, especially for the elderly and small children.


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Joined: November 20th, 2019
Articles Posted: 33

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