How smartphones and tablets are changing the world

Posted by Sandy Lopez on December 8th, 2021

In today\'s world, technology is at the forefront of everything, or at least most of what we do. Social attitudes are changing, the way we communicate is changing, and the way we do business is changing. The fact is, it has already changed. Technology was originally seen as a barrier to social and even family time, with teenagers and young men and women locking themselves in a PC. Now, technologies like smartphones and tablets are helping to increase the time people spend with their families, sitting in front of the TV, multitasking on their smartphone or tablet, and PC sales are declining as a result. Everyone is socially connected in some way through technology.

People are now occupying their time with these \"digital Swiss army knives\" surfing the internet from gaming and banking to planning their diet and writing important business documents, all while watching TV commercials, traveling, or even sitting in a waiting room. . to the doctors, to name a few. Reading a newspaper on a train is becoming obsolete as more and more people now only read the news on their phones, some people now even sleep with their phone next to them and monitor their sleep patterns.

Devices such as portable CD players, disposable cameras, flashlights, GPS alarm clocks, voice recorders, electronic dictionaries, electronic organizers, calculators, and guitar tuners are all outdated and time-saving devices in 2 devices.

This technology shift is driving increased tablet and smartphone sales, which are also starting to slow PC sales. “In June 2011, International Data Corporation forecast that by 2015 total global PC shipments would increase to 541.5 million. Now, he estimates that the total will be 318.2 million, a reduction of 41% from his previous expectations ”(The Guardian 2013). It\'s more,

Sales of \"tablets will grow 53.4% ??this year, as traditional PC drops 11.2%\" (Gartner 2013)

1 in 5 people who own a smartphone also has a tablet despite the overlap of functions. Even though technologies accomplish the same thing, now more people are evaluating a tablet than a PC.

The ease of use of these technologies even affects children as young as 2 years of age. “Almost a third of children now learn to use a mobile phone or tablet before they can speak. Twenty-nine percent start using the devices as young children, and 70 percent are fully fluent in them by the time they reach primary school. \" (Daily Mail 2013)

This is an indication of how important it is to have an online presence in the future for current and future generations. Typical marketing models have been reviewed to understand a change in shopper behaviors, such as Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT). More information.

With tablets and smartphones on the rise, and more and more people connected through such devices, can your business afford not to have an online presence that enhances the user experience with responsive web design for mobile devices? It is becoming increasingly clear that tablets and smartphones have changed the way we live forever, from social attitudes to entertainment and communication to medical and business functions.

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Sandy Lopez

About the Author

Sandy Lopez
Joined: February 7th, 2021
Articles Posted: 19

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