Bezos climate fund offers millions to BlocPower, an energy efficiency start-upPosted by Kapil on December 13th, 2021 Highlights:
Grant for Development in the UrbanThis week, the Bezos Earth Fund announced additional donations totaling 3 million to a variety of climate and environmental organizations. BlocPower, an energy efficiency technology start-up focused on building construction and retrofits in urban areas, received a .5 million grant. BlocPower, an energy technology business based in Brooklyn, has executed 1,000 green energy projects in the New York City area to date. It wants to use the Bezos funding to expand its BlocMaps software database to include 125 million structures and new cities. It detects buildings that require energy efficiency upgrades and assists property owners in learning how to electrify and decarbonize their structures. Like it? Share it!More by this author |