Understanding the Rewards Credit CardPosted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Today, you will see all types of rewards credit card offers, which at one time were only for the loyal customers of a credit card company. They would offer rewards to customers that used their credit card frequently, paid off their balance, and never had late payments. Today, there are many different types of rewards credit cards, offered up by many of the major credit card companies who are all fighting for your business. Since there are so many credit card companies, they have to come up with some type of gimmick to get you to look at what they have to offer. Credit card rewards can be a great deal for any consumer who enjoys receiving prizes, cash back, or even trips with points they accumulate by using their credit card. However, if you do not redeem your points they can expire. The different types of reward credit cards are air miles, cash back, prizes, or a new one on the market known as experience rewards. An air miles card (sometimes referred to as an airline rewards credit card) allows you to air mile points for every dollar or two dollars that you spend with your rewards credit card. These air miles can be redeemed for airline tickets, hotel accommodations, and car rentals. If you are a frequent flyer, then this type of rewards credit card could give you a wonderful vacation for your entire family. You can also find this type of card with your favorite airline or many of the major credit card issuers. Just be careful to pay attention to the expiration of your points, the destinations the airlines allow you to travel to as well as the various airlines that you can redeem your earned miles on. The cash back rewards credit card normally gives a percentage back on what you spend at certain stores. This can be awarded either monthly or yearly and usually does not have an expiration date. The Experience rewards credit card allows you to choose the reward you would like. All you have to do is talk with the concierge and let them know what reward you would like and then they can let you know how many points you will need to be able to obtain that reward. The problem with every rewards credit card is that they normally have higher interest rates as well as higher annual fees or membership fees than a regular credit card would have. You must be sure that the rewards credit card you choose will really be beneficial to you. If you only fly once or twice a year then a rewards credit card that awards airline tickets, etc? should not be your first choice. By the time, you have accumulated enough points for that trip; your points will have already expired. The same goes for all types of reward credit cards; learn what you can earn and if you will be able to redeem those awards before the expiration date. Then you will really be able to benefit substantially. Like it? Share it!More by this author |