Tips for Getting Started with Marketing Services in Dubai

Posted by viral mafia digital on January 21st, 2022

Of course, there are many pros to starting your own business and becoming your own boss- greater control, more earnings and higher earnings. But why start a digital marketing agency? Why in Dubai?

The digital marketing industry has witnessed massive growth unlike any other in recent years. In UAE, the pattern is much the same with the industry seeing annual growth between 25% and 40%. Such significant growth opens huge opportunities to those in the region who got the marketing skill and much-needed determination to run a successful business.

Also the benefits of setting up in Dubai comes with a whole set of advantages. The 0% tax regime on personal and corporate income, free trade zones, the existence of a strategic location to trade with huge markets across the globe and a straightforward company incorporation procedure – the list is endless.

 There are several considerations you definitely have to keep in mind before you start your own digital marketing agency in Dubai.

How to start digital marketing services in Dubai?

Before you make your application for Dubai trade license, there are some things you have to keep in mind.

  • One of the most important thing is whether you plan to set up in mainland or free zone. Note that each setup comes with its own set of advantages. If you plan to establish your business in the mainland you can trade directly with the local market without availing the services of a local agent.  If you set up in free zone you can get 100% exemption from customs tax.
  • Next, consider your company name. Image has huge importance in the world of digital marketing, so it`s vital your company name leaves an impression, sticks in the mind of potential consumers, and clearly conveys the essence of your brand.
  • With these important decisions made, you can now apply for the trade license. You will require a professional services license to start digital marketing services in Dubai. This license assists you to keep 100% ownership of your company without having to depend on any local sponsor.
  • If you wish to start your business on the Dubai Mainland, you will have to make application to the Department of Economic Development whereas if you are planning to set up in the free zone, you can apply to the relevant managing authority.
  • It’s advisable to work with a company formation expert rather by yourself. Whether you are planning to start by yourself or with the assistance of an expert, you will have to provide certain details and documents which includes- completed application form, passport copy of the owner or owners, 2 colour passport size photos.
  • The company formation agent can help manage your visa application and also of your employees, family or domestic staff.
  • The cost of starting a digital marketing company in Dubai will depend on whether you choose mainland or free zone.

If you have got the right skills armed with requisite knowledge, then setting up your own digital marketing agency in UAE need not be a problem.  

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viral mafia digital

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viral mafia digital
Joined: December 17th, 2020
Articles Posted: 126

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