How to Prevent Dementia

Posted by alvina on February 1st, 2022

Many may have the preconceived idea that dementia is just something that comes often with old age and there is no avoiding it. However, dementia isn’t a disease, but is rather a symptom caused by various diseases and conditions. So, to answer the question: Is dementia preventable? It’s possible.

What Causes Dementia?

Dementia is not just something that occurs. Dozens of clinical issues are known to cause dementia, such as infections, strokes and other traumas, and various preexisting conditions that result in dementia as a person gets older.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. However, it can also be caused by advanced stages of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Huntington’s disease. Advanced infections such as syphilis can cause the disorder as well. Though illnesses like syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, at any stage, the damage done to brain cells is non-reversable.

In some cases, dementia can be genetically passed down through a family line. However, Alzheimer’s is the most common genetically passed cause of developing dementia. This disease is the most unpreventable due to the fact that Alzheimer’s can only be officially diagnosed during an autopsy, though there are several proven effective treatments for those suspected of being inflicted with Alzheimer’s.

What are the Common Risk Factors?

Age and genetic family traits are two common risk factors for dementia. These two causes are also the types that are the most unpreventable, as someone can not avoid getting old or change their genetic makeup. However, there are many risk factors that are preventable.

The use of tobacco products and alcohol are common risk factors for developing dementia. Smoking has been shown to increase mental decline, which can lead to a higher risk of vascular diseases associated with causing dementia. Abuse of alcoholic drinks can also result in an increased risk. However, those who moderately use alcohol are suggested to have less of a chance of developing the issue apposed to those who drink too much or don’t drink at all.

High cholesterol levels and diabetes are proven risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia as well.

How Do You Prevent Dementia Now?

Can dementia be prevented before being exposed to illnesses and disease that cause the decline? It’s absolutely possible. The methods used to prevent this condition are simple. Stay healthy and take care of your mind and body. Eat healthy food and implement regular exercise routines to keep your body at a healthy weight. Don’t smoke or abuse alcohol. Partake in mentally stimulating hobbies and socialization. Lastly, listen to your doctor. Seeing your doctor regularly can prevent you from unknowingly developing high blood pressure and cholesterol or diabetes. If you’re at risk or beginning to develop these issues, your doctor can make precise recommendations to address these risk factors. While dementia is sometimes a risk due to unpreventable factors, understanding how to prevent dementia by doing your part to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy significantly reduces your risk of developing the condition.

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