Instances where you will Need Los Angeles Pharmacy Malpractice Attorney

Posted by GRAYSON & GRAYSON on February 22nd, 2022

Pharmaceutical drugs play a crucial role in our lives where we depend on them to cure our diseases and control the pain. They are powerful drugs that alter our bodily functions. But, pharmaceutical malpractice occurs more often than you might think. As pharmaceutical drugs have such power, some mistakes can be lead to severe injuries and sometimes can be life-threatening. Because the stakes are so high, drug manufacturers have the duty to provide us with safe products, doctors have the duty to prescribe the correct medicine to the patient, and pharmacists have the duty to correctly fill the prescription correctly. If one of them does a mistake that led to serious consequences, these professionals can be held responsible for that. There are different types of negligence that would require you to hire a Los Angeles pharmacy malpractice attorney, which are:

  •          Defective Drugs:

If a pharmaceutical company releases a drug to the market that wasn’t properly tested, if a drug has side effects that the patients weren’t aware of, or if the drug is contaminated, then the company can be held liable for manufacturing or marketing such defective drugs.

Sometimes drugs are rushed for distribution without any adequate testing. Other times, drug companies knew about the potential negative side effects but failed to inform the doctors. There is also a case where drugs contain ingredients that should not be in them or if they are contaminated during the manufacturing process. In such cases, the pharmaceutical company can be held responsible.

  •          Incorrectly Prescribed Medication:

Doctors have a duty towards their patients to provide them with correct medications for their diseases. If a doctor prescribes an inappropriate drug to a patient that result in serious repercussions, the doctor can be held responsible for the malpractice. This could happen if either the doctor was not informed about the side effects or because the drug has harmful reactions with other medications that the patient is taking.

  •          Incorrectly Filled Prescriptions:

Just like doctors, pharmacists also have a duty to fill people’s prescriptions with correct medications and their correct dosage. Sometimes the pharmacists may give correct medication but in incorrect dosage. Other times, the pharmacist may provide the wrong medication because he had a problem reading the doctor’s handwriting or maybe two pills look similar. If a patient receives the wrong medication or the right medication in the wrong dosage, the results could be fatal. In such cases, the pharmacists can be held responsible for that.

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