Analyzing the Brain with Midbrain Activation and DMIT Software

Posted by Ramesh on May 13th, 2016

Human brain is a complex structure with each part having its own characteristic functions. Right hemisphere is associated with intuition whereas Left hemisphere with logic and routine. Here Midbrain has an important role as it is the bridge between these two hemispheres.

What is Midbrain

Midbrain is located below cerebral cortex and just above the hindbrain. It is associated with auditory and visual senses, sense to temperature, sleep and wake responses and motor control.

Midbrain Activation

Midbrain Activation, as the name suggests, is a technique to elevate and optimize the midbrain functions, thus helping in achieving a balance. Brain starts developing very early; hence it is imperative that if a balance is maintained between the growths of two hemispheres, then the child’s brain develops well. Midbrain Activation achieves the same by stimulating the alpha and theta brain waves. Alpha brain waves enable stress management and pain relief whereas theta brain waves enable Hypnotic Induction and Zen meditation among others to enable the individual to maintain emotional stability. It helps the child in reaching a state of confidence. This in turn affects the parents in a positive manner.

Speed Reading

Activation of midbrain leads to a heightening of concentration and focus in a child, thus increasing the child’s reading capacity to 1000 to 3000 words per minute.

Adult Midbrain

Midbrain Activation of Adult enables the individual to handle stress better. It also helps them in stimulating their sub-conscious modalities. Midbrain Activation for Adult would also help the adult in heightening their individual intuitive senses, thus enabling them to take quick decisions. It also holds the individual in good stead to fight stress and maintain emotional equilibrium.


DMIT Software is a tool, which like Midbrain Activation can be used to identify and nurture a growth pattern. Dermatoglyphics comes from the Greek words “derma” meaning skin and “glyph” meaning carving. It brings neurobiology, embryology and genetics together with clinical studies. DMIT Software Gurgaon compares science and technology, by mapping brain cells with scanned fingerprints. It has been medically verified that a congenital relationship exists between brain and finger ridges. Hence, by mapping the distribution of cells on a fingerprint, it can be deduced as to which hemisphere has potential. Based on such analytics strengths are found out and nurtured. Similarly weaknesses are identified and improved. Thus the child gets the chance to have his or her inherent strengths cultivated further and weaknesses worked on. Ultimately, to the joy of parents, it leads to the growth of the child into a mature individual.

Psychometric Test

It is again a question and answer scientific methodology to find and elevate a child’s cognitive abilities to map against a requirement or eligibility.

In today’s competitive world, it would help a child a lot if his or her intrinsic qualities are identified and developed. Also, with their weaknesses found out, worked on and improved, it would actually help the small child to have a brighter outlook towards life, with an elevated self esteem and confidence.  And it can be left unsaid that a child’s proper growth relieves the parents of a lot of stress and on a broader perspective, a holistic balance is achieved in their immediate life.

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Joined: May 5th, 2016
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