Mental Breakdown and Substance Abuse

Posted by Trust care on April 15th, 2022

It is quoted that substance-induced disorders mainly occur when there is a sheer influence of either alcohol consumption or drug consumption in the body which goes ahead and changes the production of having to withdraw from the substances, as the process requires a sheer diagnosis where a particular disorder if derived can be taken into consideration or not, as there are few substance-induced disorders which can this cause mental breakdown inside a human body or also can conclude the result to be one of them. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai, states that the substance-related disorders can also be known as substance abuse disorders as the behavioral drinking pattern of both is known to be the same where after the continuation of alcohol or drug intake, the significant problems are still in the similar period, where the issues are specifically related to either drug or alcohol consumption.

The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai mainly specifies that alcohol abuse has the ability to stand a different symptom measure with a mental breakdown which can also include the issues of feeling psychosis, anxiety and depression on the go with happen to have an antisocial behavior on the run, where such symptoms can also occur if an individual is going through the withdrawal phase. Coming to the situation of drug issues, at first it may improve or lighten one\'s mood, where it can be visible that one may see a decrease in the stress and anger ratio in the individual where the reduction of appetite is also a measure in row. Irrespective of the everyday dose of drug which is in taken by an individual, it sheerly leads towards vague changes in the brain on a gradual basis, which can also create a major dependency on the whole situation where one starts consuming it on a regular basis. There can be many risk factors too on the row which can make the situation worst as it can include a personal history and family history of anxiety or psychosis attacks, or recent injuries due to any accident which have created a big fall or void, possibility of general stress with external influences on the row, where stress from work or from any traumatic event which have issued financial stress or the patch of rough divorce etc. can also come under the risk factors which can eventually lead towards a mental breakdown.

Although substance induced breakdowns are mainly taken from a particular substance, one can follow their own small steps towards recovery and calm them down by opting for holding their breath, following a healthy lifestyle by consuming healthy food and a lot of water with going for meditation and yoga too in a sincere measure. Hence, one must remember that a positive counsellor or a therapist should be genuinely helpful having a bit of help which can also determine various mental peace and belongings at times.

Address: Block No.89, Yeoor Gaon, Patana Pada, Near Garwa Hotel, Yeoor Hill, Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400606

Contact Number: 9167006990

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Trust care

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Trust care
Joined: April 23rd, 2021
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