Why International Merchant Account Providers Need Merchants Good Payment Gateway

Posted by EskakPay on April 16th, 2022

We all know that international merchant account providers or acquiring banks ask a business complete many types of terms and conditions. In the case of a high-risk merchant, these conditions are more stringent. Having a reliable and renowned payment gateway is among the vital terms that a merchant needs to fulfill. Without this, a high-risk company can never get approval. The merchant account providers have some very clear reasons for it.

Below are some points that explain that an international merchant account and payment gateway are the two sides of a coin. Both cannot work without each other if they want to serve the high-risk merchants.

Reliable Payment Gateways give Protection against Fraud and Chargeback

No need to mention that all types of high-risk companies are prone to the issues of chargeback and fraud. Their money transactions are never safe. It is the reason that businesses have to employ payment gateways for some relevant reasons. Payment processing or gateway companies have in-built safety tools that ensure the safety of money transactions and customer data.

Smart gateways today have a professional chargeback management strategy that can help merchants reduce their chargeback percentage. The merchant account-providing banks can certainly not take any threat of working with a merchant who cannot ensure secured transactions. This can give a chance to the hackers to break the security of the merchant account, which will hurt the bank system. Also, it can lose its goodwill in the market.

International Merchant Account Providers Need payment Gateways with a Global Approach

Most of the renowned and established payment gateways have a global approach. This fact helps the merchant account solution providers check the authenticity of the merchant. In most cases, it is simpler to track a merchant\'s legal status through its payment gateway. It is because, if a renowned payment processor works with a business, it is almost sure that it will work only with an authentic business.

A globally popular online payment gateway knows the international procedures and laws perfectly. In that situation, the acquiring bank can work smoothly and approve the merchant in a short time. Familiarity with the status of a payment gateway helps the acquirers get sure about how safe it is to work with a merchant. To put it in simple words, a payment gateway can help an acquirer get clarity on a merchant\\\'s originality. If a known gateway has approved a merchant, definitely it deserves consideration from the merchant account provider.

Payment Gateways Keep a Good Record of Merchant and Its Customer’s Record

For acquiring banks, it is very important to be able to get the required accounts of the merchants they connect with and also their customers. But it can be annoying to mind-boggle and spend on resources to keep records. Thanks to the payment gateways that keep the record of not only the merchants but also their customers.

The worldwide merchant services take benefit of the records maintained by the payment gateways connected with merchant accounts the acquirers have provided. In case of any technical issue and case of financial fraud, these records help give clarity to the legal firms.

Payment gateway companies maintain records as a part of their service to the businesses. This in turn helps all the three ends

1. The merchant

2. The acquirer

3. The payment gateway itself.

Payment Gateways Know all Industries which helps International Merchant Account Providers Make a better Strategy

To provide the best merchant account solutions, the acquiring banks need to understand the needs and nature of varied merchants from varied industries. It is not an exaggeration to say that the payment gateway service providers have a deep and practical knowledge of various industries. The reason is clear and known, yes, they serve the merchants from varied fields, which in turn gives them real knowledge.

International merchant account providers need to be very cautious while making a strategy for the merchants of varied industries. The interaction of payment gateways with international laws and business conditions makes them smart. While working with the gateways the international merchant account providers get to know many things. This in turn helps make a harmony between the merchant account provider and the businesses that obtain the merchant account.


The presence of a reliable payment gateway is undeniable not only for high-risk merchants but also for merchant account-providing acquirers. From the legitimacy of the businesses to the surety or safer money transactions, payment gateways give every surety. If you are a business owner from a risky industry type, you can easily understand the relation between the three.

The merchant account provider, the payment gateway, and the merchant all complete each other for their commercial reasons. Isn\'t it? EskayPay, an international payment gateway has the best payment solutions for high-risk merchants and has good connections with merchant account providers. We can protect your business from all sorts of financial threats during a money transaction.

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