The most favorable offer from Bebi internet ads
Posted by fabrizio zio on May 18th, 2016
These are a few more contextual display networks for you to experiment with – I’ve had a little more experience with Bebi network, but found their Conversion Tracking implementation pretty cumbersome.Bebi is the new pay per click advertising network brand.
The ad exchange could potentially be compared to a stock exchange. This advertising network is unique as it provides the deficiencies of the existing ad networks.
It gives you full control of the advertisers you want on your site.13 Affiliate Sales Network Sites
The most favorable offer from Bebi is that the advertisers can create as many ads they need and as many keywords they like to assign for each ad.
This platform is designed to serve sponsored listings throughout the Bebi offers weekly payments if you hit 00 per week, while all others will be paid on a monthly basis when you hit the 0 payment threshold. There are some advertisers who go on site / blog ranks. Opportunities are available for sales, leads, traffic, impressions or a combination of those.
best internet advertising might be one to test out for yourselves. If for some reason the advertiser is late with the payment, Adsmarket will still pay you for the sale.
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If run correctly, CPA campaigns can generate substantial revenue.