What is the role of the psychologist in Los Angeles?

Posted by chirag on May 2nd, 2022

The fundamental mission of the psychologist is to make the person recognized and respected in his psychic dimension. His activity focuses on the psychic component of individuals, considered individually or collectively.

What is the role of the psychologist?
In clinical situations, the person can be a child, an adult, as well as an elderly person.
Listening is different with different people, like if we want to listen a child he cant express his feeling via words but might be comfortable in drawing. Similarly, an elderly person with a loss of autonomy will rather express himself with gestures, and behaviors than with a constructed speech. The psychologist, through his listening, gives any person the opportunity to express himself and be heard for who he is, without a moral judgment being made.
Psychologist: therapist or not?
The role of the psychologist is first of all to know how to analyze situations, identify disorders and pathologies, and advise a therapeutic orientation. It can use tests, interviews, etc. A psychologist can also add therapeutic know-how to his skills, for example, by undergoing psychoanalysis or training in a psychotherapy technique. He will then be able to intervene directly as a therapist. But this quality is not sanctioned by his diploma as a psychologist.

There are many misconceptions about a psychologist just ignore them. Some people say that the psychologist does not seek to know \"everything\" about the person who comes to him. He listens, does not seek to check, and does not lecture. Teen therapist Los Angeles is just there so that this person can say what he wants, without feeling misunderstood, without feeling embarrassed about his thoughts, dreams, everything that his imagination produces.

Unlike the doctor or psychiatrist (who is also a doctor), the psychologist does not prescribe medication. If he found a person who needs treatment he will advise him to go for some activities related to his problems. In the other areas where he intervenes, the psychologist in Los Angeles uses scientific methods specific to the discipline that is his own. For example, labor psychologists are engaged in recruitment, career management, and reclassification of employees of an enterprise. Often they participate in job interviews, with the use of tests. They also advise employees through skills assessments. Increasingly, they specialize in occupational risk management. Their ability to analyze a workstation and their knowledge of ergonomics are recognized and are helpful for employees and the company.

In the school sector, psychologists help children, their families, and teachers to re-find a balance for better quality education. The earlier they intervene when problems arise, the more likely these problems are to find a solution. Psychology provides us with answers in many areas. There is not one psychology but psychologies: social, clinical, in the school environment, or at work...

The psychologist is a specialist in the relevant field. He is interested in :
•    to personality disorders ;
•    to behavioral disorders ;
•    to the problems of school orientation ;
•    to problems in the course of work.

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