Building a new home, upgrading, or at the planning stage? Do you know about the

Posted by Elite Internet Technologies on May 19th, 2016

If you’re at the planning stage of the new home, you may want to consider your plumbing a bit more closely. There are some fabulous new types of plumbing fittings coming on the market which look great and have a lot of new features to offer.

You may also be interested to know that many of the very advanced-looking new plumbing fittings aren’t just all about appearances, either. All this “modern look” stuff is actually very functional. They are actually better plumbing fittings, needing less maintenance, and much more efficient in managing water. That’s nice to know, particularly if you live in drought affected states and are dealing with water restrictions, et cetera.

The really big deal about many of these new plumbing fittings like the new generation of water heaters, kitchen faucets, modern toilets, and other fittings is that they are actually far superior to the old type fittings:

The new bathroom and kitchen faucets deliver better water flow, and some even include water chilling options.

New water heaters allow you to accurately manage water temperature.

New fittings like the vast range of new showerheads coming on the market actually deliver a better shower.

Case in point – There’s a plumbing supplies company in California called Pyramid Pipe & Supply Company which is the online major hub for all the very latest plumbing appliances coming on the market. They serve the local market with a vast range of top brands with an ever-increasing range of products which currently includes no less than 17,000 different plumbing fittings.

Understandably, they have become the go to place for just about everybody in California, including professional builders and tradespeople. Online, they’ve also become the gate in place for shoppers to check out all the latest stuff on the market and prices, too. You can compare products, and they have an excellent customer service system which will actually tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it.

For more information and to save you a lot of time looking for the products you need, visit their website here at Expect a few surprises, and a lot of fun shopping.

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 Elite Internet Technologies

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Elite Internet Technologies
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