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Posted by kuldeep chauhan on June 14th, 2022

In therapy, the addict is likely to experience strong feelings about the consequences of his acting out. The secret life is unveiled revealing affairs, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masochism or other behaviors comprising a particular sex addict's modus operandi of sexual deviance. The real story about men, sexual acting out and depression is as complex as each of the wounded souls who enter treatment (or remain out of it). The impact of depression and sexual deviance on each of them is enormous.

In treatment, the addictive defense must be confronted and stopped. Then, the hidden pain emerges as depression, and underneath the depression lies childhood trauma. It is only when these traumas are worked through that there can be true freedom from addictive slavery. Only after the shame cycle has stopped, after the addictive pattern has been broken and the person has moved into "recovery" can the pain of hidden depression be addressed and resolved. sex kahaniya

You've heard the story. A serpent tells the naked woman Eve to eat fruit that God had forbidden her to eat on penalty of death. The serpent denies that she would die; on the contrary, eating this health-food product would smarten her up. Eve did, of course, eat the fruit, and got her naked husband (Adam) to eat it too.

When God found out He questioned the guilty pair. Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the serpent. God told the serpent he would now have to crawl on his belly and eat dust. He told Adam and Eve they would die. Also there would be ongoing hostility between the serpent and Eve, and between the serpent's offspring and Eve's offspring (seed, in some translations). Her seed would crush the serpent's head and the serpent would strike the heel of Eve's seed.

On the face of it this story reads like the narratives of many ancient peoples who invented stories to explain observable facts. It purports to explain why humans have an inbuilt fear and detestation of snakes. Humans kill snakes and snakes snap at human heels. And maybe that was indeed one of the purposes of the story. But it seems to be used to illustrate a far weightier matter. For one thing this particular serpent could not only speak in a language Eve understood but he claimed to have inside knowledge of what God was really on about. He said God was a liar.

Some Christians go a lot further. They interpret the serpent as symbolizing Satan (Revelation 12:9, 20:2) and Eve's seed as referring to Jesus Christ (a human descendant of Eve) who would eventually destroy Satan. If, as many believe, Isaiah predicted in chapter 53 the suffering and death of Jesus he also predicted Jesus would still see his "seed", the ones who are saved through his sacrifice. Therefore Eve's seed, in the Christian era, would be all those who accept Jesus as their Saviour. The gospels also identify the seed of the serpent as all those who resist Christ's message. They belong to their father, the devil. (John 8:44)

Of course there would have been the equivalent of Eve's righteous seed and of the serpent's wicked seed in pre-Christian times as well..

There are some problems with the Christian interpretation. The translation "He will crush your head" (NIV) implies that an individual does the crushing of the serpent, in harmony with St Paul's claim that God did it. (Romans 16:20). But Jews and others favour the translation "They will strike your head". The plural expression "they" seems more appropriate as it appears to refer back to the seed of Eve, who can be numbered in millions even if we only include the saved descendants.

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kuldeep chauhan

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kuldeep chauhan
Joined: March 23rd, 2021
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