GPS Tracker for Children- is it spying ...or good parenting???Posted by sunainaram on May 24th, 2016 As we all are quite aware of the havoc that the monsoon rains play on Indians, this is exactly what happened one late evening when Siya, 18, was on her way back home from her regular coaching classes. As she stepped out of her coaching class building, to her horror she realized that the roads were completely blocked and flooded. There was no way she could reach to the nearest bus stop. She dug into her backpack for her cell phone, but to her horror the battery was very low and she could not make a call to her parents. Siya’s parents, back home, were frantic about their daughter’s whereabouts as they were following the news channel which showed several parts of the town of Mumbai being flooded and transport coming to a grinding halt. Not knowing what to do, Siya’s mother then though of the GPS tracker for children that she had given Siya. With just a few clicks they could trace Siya’s whereabouts and were happy to know that she was safe at the coaching class premises. Thanks to the new evolving technologies, parents like those of Siya have not much to fear about. They can now keep tabs on their kids’ locations via the child tracking system. Many parents yet feel whether the use of the device would mean intruding on the child’s privacy. Let’s find out – Whoever would say that child tracking system amounts to spying, then they are highly mistaken! Today, usage of the tracking device is mainly done keeping in mind the child’s safety. With so many untoward incidents happening all around us – some thanks to the natural causes while other brought down by mankind – tracking devices help parents a long way in easing their worries. Kids hate the idea of being spied. They should be told and made to understand that the device is being given to them for all safety reasons. A better means of communication –Technology has certainly devised the GPS tracker for children to better off the communication between parents and children. Kids these days are out venturing on their own – coaching classes, extra lecture at school, party, excursions, trips, etc. Parents sitting back at home often get worried if the kids reach home beyond the normal time. In such scenarios, the GPS tracker is very helpful to establish meaningful communication between the parents and children. In the worst of cases, parents at least can be put to ease by knowing where the kids are and if they are safe. With an eye on safety; make use of the technology and give your child a GPS tracker! It is needed! Like it? Share it!More by this author |