What Do you Need to Know about Christening Ceremony?

Posted by Celtic Candles on July 27th, 2022

The terms of christening and baptism coincide and are employed interchangeably. For this ceremony, you need to make a guest list if you are planning to have a bigger event. You also need to buy the Christening outfit. There are five main symbols of this ceremony that are: the cross, a white garment, oil, water, and light. You can avail the light from Christening candles. Let’s shed some light on a few more important things that are linked with this ceremony.


Christening, or baptizing, of the entire family, derived around the time of Christ. Before this, adults were baptized until the education of the Book of Acts, which motivated whole families to be baptized collectively. As persecution in the church declined and ceremonies were no longer conducted discreetly in homes, infant baptism turned into an ordinary public ceremony.

Existing developments:

These days, churches are more liberal than they were in the past concerning whose baby they will baptize. These days, you can easily find many churches that take pride in offering christening services to single-parent families, same-sex parent families, and families with unmarried parents.


When it comes a tradition, during a christening, water is poured over the top of a baby's head. If an adult is being christened or baptized, they need to submerge their whole body in a baptizing pool. This is known as a baptismal. The water represents being purified after being born into the sin of humanity. Traditionally, Godparents were required to hold the baby during the whole ceremony.


Historically, christenings were performed inside the church to which the family belonged. These days, you do not have to be a member of any particular church to get your baby baptized. Christenings can also be performed in the home or outdoors.


Godparents are usually an important part of the christening celebration. Parents are required to select 2 to 4 close friends or family members who will help in raising the child in the beliefs of the church. Nowadays, Godparents are no longer a demanded part of the ceremony, but it's advised that parents have somebody in mind in case they require assistance.

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Celtic Candles

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Celtic Candles
Joined: August 8th, 2017
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