About The Marvel Batman Pkv Games Version Moon Knight

Posted by Shishir del rio on August 26th, 2022

It could be said that few people know the form of the Moon Knight Pkv Games, because he was never seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The plan is for Marvel Studio to present this character in a serial version, as it has a good background for further research. Moon Knight  itself is known to have many strange facts that only Marvel fans who like to read comics may know.

Now, on this occasion, the Dunia Games team will discuss 15 facts about the Moon Knight , who is to be the Marvel version of Batman. Let's just take a closer look.

1. He is not a superhero Bandarqq

Moon Knight  is one of Marvel's characters and is commonly known as Marvel's version of Bandarqq Batman. Although known as the Marvel version of Batman, Moon Knight  is not actually a superhero like Batman, but an antihero where he has physical strength like Batman, agile as Spider-Man, rich as Iron-Man and it is interesting that he has a more brutal character than Punisher.

2. You suffer from a dissociative identity disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID, is a disease caused by a person with multiple personality and memory differences, and the Joker of DC is an example of such behavior. Moon Knight  of Marc is ill because he realizes he is of Jewish descent, and the disease occurs when he tries to survive.

3. First featured in Werewolf's Night # 32 in 1975

The character Moon Knight  first appeared in the Marvel comic book Werewolf at Night Part 32 in 1975. Moon Knight  of Mac Spector did not first appear in the Werewolf comic book as a superhero because it was created by Doug Moench and Don Perlin as a character villain. whose task is to kill a werewolf monster with his power.

4. His power is Konshu

Konshu is known to be a mystery and is also known to be Atum's first child of the New God and Amuneta and the wind god. In Marvel, Konshu himself is known as the Moon God and revenge for giving human Marc Spector powers under the moonlight, where Marc has extraordinary supernatural abilities and abilities.

5. Once joined by the Avengers

Konshu once told Moon Knight  to join the superhero team, the Avengers, and Moon Knight  himself followed Konshu's will and for a long time did so with the West Coast Avengers. In addition to participating in the West Coast Avengers, Moon Knight  also participated in the Secret Avengers and also helped the Avengers fight the X-Men for power in the Phoenix Force.

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Shishir del rio

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Shishir del rio
Joined: August 26th, 2022
Articles Posted: 5

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