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Posted by John on June 3rd, 2016

By Dr. Jack Nelson, President/CEO

There are many online seminaries to choose from that offer an array of theological degree programs, and that is a good thing because different people are looking for different things. In a prospective student’s search they will find mainly two differences in all seminaries and those differences primarily deal with accreditation.

First, there are the schools that have state accreditation while the others opt for a more non-traditional school and have either independent accreditation or none at all. We will talk more about this in another article to come, but for now let’s talk about degree types.

You can search Theological Seminaries online until the cows come home, but you will be hard pressed to find a school that will tailor make a program of study from scratch. Why, because it is time consuming for both the school and the faculty, however Luder-Wycliffe has decided to do just that in order to meet the demand of students that need that extra bit of an edge.

Say a student needs a theological degree in archeology with an emphasis in biblical counseling…now that seems strange, but we at Luder-Wycliffe can make it happen. It’s all about the need. We live in a fast paced world that is constantly evolving and we want to be a school that can be a little different in a good way.

Sometimes seminary students find it difficult to transfer credit hours of a particular subject into another degree program because it doesn’t mesh, but we at Luder-Wycliffe see things differently. It all depends upon what the student wants to accomplish. A unique ministry may require a unique degree program.

Luder-Wycliffe Theological Seminaries online offers very affordable online theological seminary. The total tuition is just a small fraction of what a student would pay at a tradition state accredited institution. One of the main problems a traditional seminary graduate faces is a huge tuition debt. Unless there is no other way around it, why choose to be in debt when the bible directs us specifically not to do so.

Another important trait of Luder-Wycliffe is that we are ministry minded. It’s all about making God big in the lives of our students. When this is accomplished, the effect will carry on in the work and lives of the seminarians to all those they will touch. To God be the glory!

Luder-Wycliffe has as its basis the most common and sought after Theology Degree Programs as well, which include but are not limited to the following:

Associate in Ministry (A.Min.)
Associate in Biblical Studies (A.B.S.)
Associate in Theology (A.Th.)
Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min.)
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.)
Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
Bachelor in Christian Counseling (B.C.C.)
Master of Ministry (M.Min.)
Master of Theology (M.Th.)
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
Doctor of Apologetics (D.Apol.)
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)

Regardless of the degree program a student enrolls in, they will find it challenging and rewarding. Luder-Wycliffe Theological Seminary is fully accredited by the Council for Independent Theological Education, an non-profit ministerial agency which oversee Faith Based Bible Schools and Seminaries.

For getting more information about Online Seminary visit the website

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