Tips for Buying Genuine Honda Water Pumps Online
Posted by mygenerator on June 6th, 2016
For more than 50 years, Honda has been synonymous with superior design, quality, and unmatched features. All Honda products like lawnmowers, water pumps, generators, etc. are powered by their famous 4-stroke engines.
The major advantage of a 4 stroke Honda product is that they are easy to start. You do not need to mix lubricants and engine oils with the petrol like you do for 2-stroke. It makes using them cleaner and hassle-free. Honda products are fuel-efficient and they are built to last for a lifetime. They are quiet, handy and dependable in any situation. The same quality stands apply to the Honda water pumps. It does not matter if you want to irrigate your fields, empty your pool, or clean a flooded basement – Honda pumps will always get the job done.
Honda pumps use state-of-the-art technology with high-power engines while still providing the benefits of portability. There are some other advantages of choosing a Honda water pump over a regular one.
Variety of Models: Different jobs require different tools and Honda offers a complete range of options. Their range of water pumps are designed to assist you in any situation. They can handle varying water pressure levels and pump up to 3000L a minute. This kind of flow or pumping capacity along with their legendary consistency will not be available in ordinary pumps. Honda pumps can drain water, irrigate garden or parks, assist in construction sites, and more.
Commercial Grade Honda Engine: Every Honda pump uses a 4-stroke heavy-duty engine with an overhead valve design. They generate more power with low fuel consumption. This design provides 25% more efficiency than regular side-valve engines. All Honda water pumps use a GX series engine that come with a three year warranty.
Impellor Construction: Honda water pumps are designed to excel in almost every aspect. Their impellor is made from cast iron, which is rugged and sturdy. Its mechanical seals ensure its durability. This allows Honda pumps to have an exceptional discharge capacity.
Accessories: Honda water pumps come with a large number of accessories that you can buy separately. These include multiple types of hoses, nozzle-kits, clamp sets, coupling parts, strainers, and rings.
You can look for genuine Honda pumps online. It will save you the run to your local hardware store and you’ll have a greater range to choose from. On the internet, you can find numerous sellers that have the wide range of Honda high-pressure water pumps available at great prices. You can compare prices and features on different websites to save money. Make sure they are genuine Honda engines used in the pumps, not copies or fake models posing as a Honda.
About the author:
Steve Reynolds, Power Product Expert at My Generator is a small engine specialist with particular expertise in Generators, Water Pumps, Pressure Washers and other Outdoor Power Equipment products. Outside of work; an avid caravan enthusiast who enjoys time on the road and has gained years of familiarity with Caravan & Camping products also. A passion for power products used for work, home and leisure!