How to Convert More Event Leads?

Posted by Shivani Jani on September 22nd, 2022

One of the biggest goals of hosting an event is to generate leads and convert them into customers. That is whythe international event management course focuses on the way to convert leads obtained from networking events. An event can be of different types, ranging from tradeshows to online events. The right event marketing strategy enables you to get the best and most highly qualified leads. 

A corporate event can give an opportunity to develop new business relationships. 

Follow-up Is The Most Important Step: 

At the end of the event, you need to follow up with the attendees. Every attendee likes to hear from the event host and organiser. It will be easy to connect with these attendees with an email address, a phone number, and personalised notes. However, the content should be appropriate while sending an email for follow-up. Each email needs to be customised with the recipient’s name. It has to invite the recipient for further interactions. 

During your event management study, you will learn about the follow-up techniques. 

Use Different Channels For Connecting With Leads: 

You may have collected email addresses and names when you attract leads at the event. It lets you start a drip campaign. As you have verified your leads, you can understand the email to be delivered to nurture them. 

Moreover, it is also better to use social media platforms and make the lead engagement process more effective. Similarly, another good strategy for business growth is content marketing. It is highly useful for leads who have reached the top of the sales funnel.  

The best event management courses teach you the way to deal with event leads. 

Create More Connections: 

A successful event involves face-to-face interactions with those who have similar goals and interests. Let your attendees connect with each other and your business representatives. Automated and self-scheduled appointment matching is effective in helping attendees get the optimal value from the event. During in-person conversion, you can drive your attendees to the buying process. 

Have A Real-time Solution: 

While tracking different event activities of attendees, you can target sales and engage in follow-up steps. For instance, some software agencies have already started relying on real-time data of attendees at the conference. Sales representatives can approach hot leads via SMS. Thus, a company can use real-time event information to reduce the time needed for the sales cycle.  

Ensure A Smart Registration Process: 

The process of registering with the event should enable the attendees to create profiles within the shortest time. It is better to add a smart registration form that can pre-populate the fields automatically. Users will be to save time. You can ask some detailed questions related to the profile characteristics like company revenue, purchase history, and job title. By learning more about the attendees, you can customise your event to their needs. It will also increase the chance of a conversion. 

There are more ways to convert your event leads. To learn about them, you can join an event management college in India. 

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Shivani Jani

About the Author

Shivani Jani
Joined: March 15th, 2019
Articles Posted: 20

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