Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

Posted by World Wide Tickets And Hospitality on September 24th, 2022

HE the Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee (SC) Hassan al-Thawadi underlined that the Qatar Football World Cup signifies an exceptional event whose position is not limited to football rivalries, somewhat a personification for the objectives that the State of Qatar recognized in its National Vision 2030, which include financial diversification, support for environmental creativities, human development, and social development.

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Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals
Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

In a select interview with Qatar News Agency, HE al-Thawadi said that the State of Qatar views the Football World Cup as a complete event that goes outside the boundaries of stadiums, stopping its confidence in the power of sport in making a positive change in cultures, particularly football, noting that the Football World Cup has also been the main follower of many initiatives, and a catalyst for social and financial development alike.

HE al-Thawadi quoted the Scoring for the Goals event for natural development as an example. The State of Qatar hurled the initiative at the United Nations headquarters lately within the framework of its arrangements to host a maintainable edition of the Football World Cup, and in continuation of its bearable approach, particularly as the initiative contains the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals.

HE the SC Secretary-General affirmed Qatar’s obligation to deliver a unique edition of the world’s largest and most respected football championship. A Football World Cup edition that will leave a social, humanitarian, financial, and environmental legacy. He echoed the willingness of the State of Qatar to host the major international event from November 20 to December 18 in the best organizational form; aiming to the completion of all eight arenas that will host the tournament World Cup.

Temporarily, HE al-Thawadi noted that the features of the Qatar Football World Cup have started to seem as if final operational arrangements are in full swing, as well as the conclusion of arrangements to welcome the admirers and media outlets who have distribution rights that have already inwards in Doha, and the groundwork of their broadcasting sites and studios is nearing conclusion. He stated that the State of Qatar has long gone the stage of reacting to sceptics of its ability to host the Football World Cup; emphasizing: From the first day, we were sure that actions on the ground will show everyone Qatar’s power to host a major tournament like the Football World Cup.

Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals
Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

He noted that since charming the honour of hosting the Football World Cup, the State of Qatar has prearranged many momentous events that replied to all sceptics, including the FIFA Arab Cup Qatar 2021, which was the most important opportunity to evaluate the operational plans for the World Cup in a combined manner. HE the Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee (SC) said that the high demand for the Football World Cup tickets is due to several factors, as well as that the tournament is the first world championship after Covid-19.

Tokyo Olympics was organized without followers, and the UEFA EURO 2020 was held under limits that restricted the number of fans, while the Qatar Football World Cup will be the first tournament without limitations, and there is no doubt that the world is willing to attend global events. He added that the high need for the Football World Cup tickets is also linked to the fact that the sporting event will be held for the first time in the Middle East and the Arab world where everybody is eager to join. In addition, Qatar Football World Cup will be the first tournament of its kind in conditions of the skill of followers to attend more than one game on the same day, which draws followers around the world.

HE al-Thawadi underscored that the Football World Cup in Qatar is a chance to bring the peoples of the world closer together, offering a faultless football version and a combined knowledge that shows the Qatari customs, traditions and ethos, and the Arab hospitality, as well as altering the stereotype of the Arab world, leaving a legacy that helps the people of the area and the whole world.

Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals
Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

In deduction, HE al-Thawadi supposed that football is a general first-class global sport and that major tournaments such as the Football World Cup leave good memories for both the followers and hosts; noting that the State of Qatar, the Arab World, and the Middle East are branded by hospitality, which will leave imitations among the followers different than the usual imitations of the region. Worldwide Tickets and Hospitality offers Football World Cup tickets for the Qatar Football World Cup at the best prices. Football fanatics and buy Football World Cup Tickets at exclusively discounted prices.

Football followers who hold hands or kiss at Qatar Football World Cup will not face arrest

The Football Association has convinced LGBTQ+ fans they will not face custody for holding hands or kissing at the Football World Cup in Qatar. In the country’s penal code, it continues to penalize same-sex relationships with up to seven years of incarceration, while queer Muslim men, under Sharia law, can be penalized with the death penalty.

FA CEO Mark Bullingham pledged amid concerns for the protection of queer fans at this year’s event. The promise arises Bullingham learning some followers from the LGBTQ+ community will break away from the event due to a lack of adequate reassurances around accommodation, as stated by The Independent. 

Bullingham verified police in Qatar had been instructed to be tolerant during the tournament.  LGBTQ+ rights advocate Peter Tatchell tells Pink News he thinks Bullingham, and the FA are gullible to think any reassurances given. This is due to Qatar constantly breaking its promises about the rights of migrant workers, leading Tatchell to raise fears over the country keeping guarantees about LGBTQ+ followers.  In a bid to make for the situation of same-sex couples being detained for public kissing or holding hands, Bullingham verified the FA has told authorities in Qatar ahead of the Football World Cup. 

“We have been raising those questions of the Qatari agencies over the last six months,” he stated.

Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals
Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

They have unconditionally told us all the right responses for anything we have spoken about, even down to the point of ‘are multicoloured flags allowable?’ Yes, totally (they are allowed) if someone doesn’t go and drape them on the part of a mosque that was one instance we were given and was rude in that way. Then they have been instructed to be very tolerant and act in the right way. Any time we ask a direct question we tend to get an answer. However, these guarantees mean little to Tatchell.

“This is a rule that just seized rainbow-coloured children’s toys in shopping malls on the parks that they were promoting homosexuality,” he says.

Qatar has flip-flopped on whether rainbow banners would be allowed. Under pressure from FIFA, it first said yes, then said no, and is now speaking yes again. Who is to tell they won’t change their minds again and ban them and stop people who display rainbow flags? The passionate activist noted that the FA isn’t paying attention to the LGBTQ+ Qataris who face custody. In the hope of offering unity with the LGBTQ+ community, the FA is adopting the One Love anti-discrimination campaign.  England skipper Harry Kane will wear a One Love armband for the first time on Friday night’s Nations League game against Italy.

Kane stated, “As captains, we may all be fighting against each other on the pitch, although we stand together contrary to all forms of prejudice.”

This is even more important at a time when division is common in society. Wearing the armband together on behalf of our teams will send a clear message when the world is watching. Tatchell believes the One Love slogan is too vague, and he blasted the design as not a proper bow, although a purposeful mishmash of colours to avoid the debate of being seen to approve of LGBTQ+ equality.

Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals
Football World Cup key supporter of Qatar National Vision goals

He also broadcast concern about its report only mentioning LGBTQ+ followers in passing and ignoring limits on women’s rights.  The statement falsely suggests that Qatar has made substantial improvements in circumstances for migrant workers.  It forgets to mention voluntary wages, congested slum hostels, workers who still cannot change jobs and are compelled to pay illegal employment fees, and that those who complained were newly arrested and deported. This declaration is a humiliation and whitewash.

The FA told it is ongoing to request more details on reassurances given by the local organizing committee that all supporters including those from the LGBTQ+ community will be harmless and welcome at the Football World Cup in Qatar. Bullingham proved he was also lobbying football’s global governing body FIFA for an update about a compensation scheme for migrant workers in Qatar and the establishment of a centre to help them open support. It follows Qatar’s envoy to Germany being confronted with an insistent plea to eliminate his country’s death penalty for homosexuality at a human rights convention. 

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