6 Indications That Mean Your Bathroom Needs a Plumber Soon

Posted by unirex on September 29th, 2022

Do you often see your bathroom floors wet, even if you left them dry before you left? Do you have to fill your water tank frequently and not know where the water is disappearing so quickly? If the answer is yes to both or any of these questions, it is time to get your bathroom checked by a professional with plumbing services in Adelaide.

Since your bathroom is the primary water source with a shower, faucet, toilet and sink, it is essential that it needs a check as there is a leakage somewhere and you aren't able to spot it.

Here are a few signs that indicate that your bathroom needs plumbing assistance at the soonest.

  •          Slow Drainage Of Water

When you are bathing or using the sink, if you see the water isn't draining out properly, there is a blockage in the pipe or the main drain or a broken pipe which needs attention. Call the plumber with best plumbing in Adelaide immediately if you are done with using drain cleaners or a pipe snake to clean the pipe and still haven't received adequate results. Water accumulation in the bathroom can lead to germ and bacteria growth, health complications, and mould growth.

  •          Vibrating Pipes

When you use the shower, have you heard a sudden jerk of the pipes or the constant vibration of the lines when water flows through them? If yes, the pipes are in the process of coming off and becoming loose. High water pressure or loose support straps lead to such pipe vibrations. The expert for plumbing services in Adelaide will be able to spot it immediately and fix it. However, the pipes may fall off or get bent, damaging it structurally if gone unnoticed.

  •          Low Water Pressure

When you turn on the faucet or the shower in its fullest form but do not see the water gushing as it should, there is probably a blockage in the showerhead or faucet. The plumber will be able to clean it for you. However, if that is not the problem, a broken pipe from the main water supply creates the low water pressure. Call the plumber and see what he detects.

  •          Dripping Shower Or Faucet

Do you see water constantly dripping when you turn off the faucet and shower tightly? It could either be due to high water pressure, or there is a problem with the drainage. It may also be so that the on and off switches of the shower and faucet aren't working normally. Do not think the dripping is a regular thing. It not just wastes a lot of water but can bring in lifelong damage to the pipes if not attended to by a professional withplumbing services in Adelaide.

  •          Discoloured Water

Are the tiles in your bathroom turning red with each passing day, or are you seeing a white and foggy texture of the water that you wash your face with? This means there is a problem with the water pipe. White and clouded water means there is air in the pipes. Rusted pipes can give out red, brown or yellow coloured water. If the pipes are made of copper, the water can have a tinge of blue or green when there is corrosion. Call for expert help immediately to change the pipes and help you with clean water.

  •          No Hot Water Despite A Functional Heater

When you switch on the shower or a nice and warm bath and receive cold water despite the heater's functioning, there is a problem with the shower pipe. A Leaking shower pipe leads to draining of all the hot water and giving you cold water in return. However, since these pipes stay hidden, you may not be able to detect what and where the problem is.

How To Choose The Right Plumbing Service?

While there are multiple plumbers ready to assist you with their plumbing services, how would you know who can help?

Check For Their Promptness – A plumbing issue is also an emergency, so will the expert for plumbing services in Adelaide be at your doorstep within minutes of your call? If yes, give them the responsibility to take care of your bathroom.

Look Out For Their Reviews – When a particular team receives good reviews for their work, it means they are good at what they do. So look up the Internet for the reviews and stars they have received, and you will know who is right for you.

Accessibility – If you live somewhere and the plumber is at least four hours away from you that will not be feasible for you as you need them to come over at the quickest possible time. Choose someone a plumber near me in Adelaide, and that will make things easy.  

Ask Your Neighbours For Help – If you are still hesitant on choosing the right plumber for your bathroom, you can always ask your neighbours for references for a local plumber in Adelaide. In addition, they may help with the contact number of plumbers attending their bathroom. This gives you confidence about their services and that they will care for things nicely.

A leaking pipe or showerhead can be really troublesome, especially when you cannot see the problem. Moreover, plumbing is a complicated task to do, and anyone and everyone cannot take care of it, or things may go from bad to worse

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Joined: August 22nd, 2022
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