How To Direct Your First Feature Film?

Posted by Jeffrey Brown on October 28th, 2022

Making a first feature film might be one of the most demanding and rewarding experiences of one’s career. Working with an all-star cast and crew of creative collaborators could be an honor and privilege. They will even help you learn lessons that inspire other first-timers to realize their vision.

If you want to get inspired, you can look at the famous works of Jaren Hayman, the best film producer in Toronto. Apart from that, directing and producing your first feature film can be a source of strength. 

In this blog, we’ll learn about some of the best tips to direct your first feature film and make it a big success. This can help you stand out from the crowd and shine among the top industry filmmakers.

Let’s take a deep dive below!

Feel Everything

As the director, you may become the touching truth barometer on set. So when the camera begins to roll, forget about everything else and try to feel the execution on each take. From editing to finding music to color-correct and the mix, sense the movie you desire the audience to experience.

Find Key Frames

While preparing, you need to shortlist and storyboard everything on paper. One thing you can do is develop a keyframe system that might be extremely helpful on the sets. 

When you combine shots on set, you’ll know the virtual image you may need for each scene to serve its dramatic function. It may be an extensive shot that serves like a punch in the gut, the close-up you’re saving for emotional impact, or a lyrical tracking shot. The idea is to distill each scene into a single image that dramatically represents what the scene must achieve.

Good Film Equals Collaborators

Over 90% of directing is the cast. Although it is valid with the actors, the same principle should apply to your crew. You need to have a clear aesthetic vision! It creates a space where people can bring their experience and talent to do their best work.

Find collaborators having the gut to challenge your ideas and push you creatively. Having ambitious goals and limited resources can help you stretch to make something grand than anyone could imagine.

A Lookbook Works

Make a printed book! It is an excellent opportunity to deliver to people the film you want to make, including,

  • Light 

  • Color

  • Form function

  • Character sketches

  • Location ideas

  • Tone exploration

  • How to sheet different locations and more

It will be a great conversation starter and can become the keystone for refining the film’s aesthetic design. 

Know The Film’s Spine

Your film’s spine will compel every aesthetic conclusion you make, so develop a transparent and focused throughline. In prep and on set, you will be asked thousands of questions like:

  • What should the protagonist’s house look like?

  • Which jacket should the actors wear?

  • What color will you paint the walls?

  • What kind of camera language should you use?

  • What about lighting? 

With a cohesive backbone, you can vet every choice through that prism. 

Pro-Tip* You can develop an aesthetic arc with different movements where light, color, and cameras will evolve over the course of your journey.

Be Open To Ideas

During prep, go through the script with your actors, and make script changes if something revelatory emerges. 

Pro-Tip* When you’re writing, get as much feedback as possible. The same goes for test screenings to refine the cut. 

Be open to new ideas wherever they come from, but know the film you want to make. Plus, protect your initial inspiration that brought everyone together to make the movie.

Set The Tone

Embrace the venture of making a movie with the best film producer in Toronto and bring your inspiration, energy, and excitement to the set. Create an environment where your entire cast and crew feel free to take risks and do great work. At wrap time, try to personally thank every cast and crew member for their daily work. Filmmaking is a collaborative medium, and you should treat everybody with respect and have their efforts acknowledged.

In a nutshell, I hope this guide will help you find your true worth and make the most out of every step. Be realistic! Be creative!!

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Jeffrey Brown

About the Author

Jeffrey Brown
Joined: October 28th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1