2022's Top 12 Marketing Technology Trends to Watch

Posted by liamjonh225 on November 1st, 2022

2022's Top 12 Marketing Technology Trends to Watch


New trends will permeate marketing in 2022. This piece will look at the top 12 marketing technology trends for this year.

Leading MarTech Trends for 2022

The marketing sector is one of the most vulnerable industries to change and ongoing evolution. Business owners who miss out on the latest marketing trends fall behind and cannot establish a competitive edge, produce more leads, and draw in new clients.

Here are 12 current marketing trends to consider:

1. Including wearable technology

Our list of cutting-edge martech trends will begin with wearables. Integrating wearable martech opens up new avenues for reaching out to users and engaging with audiences. Smartwatches and other tools make highly targeted advertising possible; for example, a person looking for a clothing store may receive a notification from one as they pass by.

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Marketers can approach prospective customers at the ideal time and location thanks to wearable technology trends, which boosts conversion rates.

Additionally, wearable technology can contribute to search engine optimization, like how smartphone optimization has grown to be a significant ranking factor. To rank higher, website administrators may eventually need to make their platforms compatible with smartwatches and other wearable technology.

2. VR/AR media

VR marketing efforts have been in the headlines for a while now. For instance, Adidas introduced one in 2017 that allowed users to track two mountain climbers in real time. The use of augmented and virtual reality in marketing appeals to consumers' desire to place more value on the shopping experience than on the cost of the item.


In addition, marketing innovations can be leveraged to target a younger demographic. Kids will be more receptive to an immersive campaign than to online marketing or TV commercials as tools.

With the release of the Bedtime VR Stories app, Samsung demonstrated the effectiveness of immersive technology in bringing together children and marketers.

3. Big-data platforms for extensive analytics and monitoring

Data's influence on marketing technology developments grows over time. Managers may track the effectiveness of the material they post and collect metrics like Customer Acquisition Cost and Customer Lifetime Value with the help of campaign performance monitoring software.


Platforms for managing the following jobs will be available in the upcoming years as machine learning and AI techniques become more inexpensive.

• Making sensible pricing choices.

Business owners will be able to ensure their pricing plan has high upside potential and gives their product line an advantage over rivals thanks to martech trends in 2022.

• Increased responsiveness to customers.

Businesses are more responsive and adaptable when they anticipate changes in customer values and priorities, whether in content development, teamwork, or selecting the best marketing channels.

• Fostering more client loyalty.

Brands can better serve customers by providing them with pertinent special offers if they gather more data about them and use an intelligent platform to process it. The business will be able to advertise only the goods that users will find useful without being overbearing or bothersome.

4. programmatic marketing

Right now, when it comes to ad setup, marketers still have a significant role to play. Managers must make numerous adjustments to the campaign settings in order to run a successful campaign because default settings are rarely the ideal ones.

Spending on programmatic advertising is expected to reach close to 0 billion in the US alone by 2022. The US and UK are predicted to spearhead the transformation and account for the largest proportion of programmatic trade and advertising.

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Five. Chatbots

Oracle discovered in 2016 that every second client expects customer assistance to be available around-the-clock. Without the use of chatbots, another of our top martech trends, it is nearly difficult to achieve this degree of client friendliness.


Thanks to improvements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, it is predicted that chatbots will resemble humans significantly more in the coming five years. One of the most interesting developments in marketing technology is the emergence of voice bots, such as Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana, and others, which experts can use to gather more client inquiries and boost conversion rates.

6. Tools for marketing based on blockchain

A serious issue that marketers deal with is advertising fraud. According to research, marketing managers suffer a yearly loss of million due to fraud. In 2022, think about utilising blockchain anti-fraud tools to guarantee that you can track the KPI of a campaign honestly and are not wasting your budget.

Blockchain also enables marketers to provide people with evidence to support their promises. For instance, a blockchain-based platform can maintain records that demonstrate the product's provenance or legitimacy.

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Joined: October 24th, 2022
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