How Low-Code Automation Platforms Help Enterprises Digitally Transform Operations

Posted by Sara Suarez on November 2nd, 2022

Workflow automation is crucial for any modern enterprise. It enables an enterprise to speed up task execution, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. However, it can be a challenge to discover the time and resources to organize this. Many enterprises are busy with regular operations to take on new projects that will aid their company in development. This leaves enterprises stuck in an incessant cycle of performing workflows and processes manually, which can be demanding and inefficient. Therefore, using a low-code workflow automation platform can help organizations automate workflows without employing IT staff or dedicated developers.

Introduction to Low-Code Workflow Automation Platform

In essence, a low-code workflow automation platform helps business users and developers to create, automate, deploy, and modify applications, processes, and workflows with minimal coding requirements. The platform helps in digitizing and enhancing business-critical workflows in a matter of minutes, allowing the workforce to focus on other high-end tasks.

Unlike traditional platforms, low-code automation platforms use a more visual approach by offering a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates to digitize operations. As a result, low-code automation platforms ramp up development cycles and drive agility for organizations. Experts from the recognized low-code software development company can help businesses deploy the right workflow automation platform within their infrastructure.

Why Businesses Should Use Low-Code Workflow Automation Platform

For both corporate and IT departments, low-code workflow automation platforms can pave an effective way to grow while providing the workforce the ability to skip error-prone and tedious manual tasks. Besides, the low-code automation platform allows business users across the enterprise to take complete control of their data across several applications, overcoming silos and deploying custom flows that send their most important data whenever they require. When experts can automate vital business processes at scale, they can concentrate on other mission-critical projects and drive innovation.

Reasons to Use Low-code Workflow Automation Platforms


Low-code platform’s drag-and-drop interface is easy to use and can be utilized by employees across an organization without relying on expert developers. It does not require a comprehensive knowledge of software development and allows employees to build custom workflows to support them with their work.

Greater Agility

With a straightforward way to build and edit processes, low-code automation platforms help enterprises make process modifications rapidly without having to worry about complex coding processes. This allows enterprises to stay on top of client requirements, regulatory variations, and market developments.

Process Standardization

Low-code automation platforms also make it easier to regulate processes across the enterprise. This is especially significant for enterprises in which the same process is performed by teams or workers across different locations. Standardized processes are easier to monitor and track performance. Process standardization also offers better user experiences for customers and employees.

Improved Productivity

Low-code process automation platforms eliminate problems related to Shadow-IT by offering a standardized methodology for workflow modeling & automation and innovative governance capabilities. This allows teams and business users to build applications rapidly without relying on IT teams. Eventually, this reduces briefings and reviews with the development team, which ensures a substantial reduction in development time, and costs, and a quick return on investment.

Use Cases of Low-Code Workflow Automation Platforms


Low-code automation platform enables modern healthcare enterprises to overcome administrative hassles by providing tools that automate hospital workflows and make processes run smoothly. Low-code platforms offer simple drag-and-drop templates to create healthcare workflow applications that make information more accessible for clinicians.

For instance, healthcare enterprises can use low-code automation platforms to build an automated approval system. Doctors can use this system to quickly provide approvals for any workflow, such as medical tests, treatment, patient discharge, billing, and insurance claims. As a result, the low-code platforms make healthcare workflows efficient, more reliable, and automated. Moreover, automating these workflows will ensure smooth coordination among all teams, without anyone having to leave their desk.


Banking is one such sector that is rapidly adopting digital transformation. The need to enhance user experience has stimulated banks to embrace digital solutions.

Through low-code automation platforms, banks can create digital solutions in hours, instead of investing several weeks or months in programming using the traditional approach. For banking enterprises that aspire to provide digital solutions for customers and improve their workflows, implementing a low-code platform is the right choice. For instance, banking firms can architect a digital loan origination solution using low-code automation platforms. The low-code workflow automation platform enables banking firms to logically automate the entire lending process, from initiation to disbursement. Moreover, credit groups and banks can partner with the right low-code development service provider to build low-code workflow apps for other banking processes like user account onboarding, credit card processing, fraud detection, etc.


Low-code automation platforms can help retail enterprises develop & launch custom workflow apps 5 times faster than traditional coding platforms. This is highly useful for enterprises as it lessens the dependency on highly experienced developers and allows retail store owners to launch real-time apps for tracking-and-tracing inventory management, vendor management, and other user-centric solutions with faster time to market.

By using a low-code workflow automation platform, retail firms can easily integrate their new apps with existing enterprise software such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), databases, and applications. Therefore, the retail store owner can draw insights from data throughout their enterprise to perform valuable marketing analysis.

Wrapping Up

As stated before, low-code automation platforms are highly beneficial for both software developers and line of business users. Through a visual development interface, business users can build low-code applications with a fast return on investment. Low-code process automation platforms help enterprises become more responsive and meet corporate needs with greater regulatory compliance.

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Sara Suarez

About the Author

Sara Suarez
Joined: September 29th, 2022
Articles Posted: 22

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