Online Games - Where Men Become Boys

Posted by Holbien Judson on June 16th, 2016

The Online Gaming Senario:  Online games tend to be played indoors on a computer or similar device.  Unlike other sporting events, there is no physical angle to online games.  These are more often than not, mind games.  There are gaming consoles and the normal computers that allow users access to the online games.  Each game works on a reward principle; thereby encouraging people to play more and more.  When they were first introduced, the online games were taken as a fad; that would die out on its own.  The reality has been far from that.  In fact, today, they are present stronger than ever before.  With the playing platform moving to the handheld device from laptops and computers. 

The Future Of Online Games:  With the ever growing presence of computers and smartphones, the online gaming scenario is only set to grow.  The increasing graphical content in games coupled with the massive graphics ability of devices, allows for more and more complex games to be played.  At most times, the gaming companies get new users with the enticing offer of play free gamesOnce in, they would never want to go back, in turn becoming paying players of games.  Increasing realism rendered on the games makes them even more enticing and addictive. 

The Benefits of Playing Online Games:  There is a strong debate going on as to what benefits accrue to the game players.  Elucidated below are some notable features of play games online

  • Enhanced memory:  Since online games are played out in the minds of people, it is seen to have enhanced the memory of players.  Various parts of the brain that normally do not get used in daily life are seen to be used while playing online games. 
  • Health and recovery:  A sick person  who would otherwise be kept in bed can use online games to help himself.  The stimulation can aid in faster recoveries and better recuperation.  At times people who empathize with sick persons can have them simulated before them in the form of a game. 
  • Social interaction:  Very introvert people can be brought out of their shells with the innovative use of online games. Social groups can be stimulated online gives the person the first hand feel of a peer group. 

Getting Benefits at No Extra Cost:  As with most marketing activities, the online gaming companies adopt a time tested strategy.  They would allow users free games onlineThis gives the player a glimpse into the game and in no time he is hooked to playing for long hours.  At times there is a free trial period or an evaluation period.  There could also be a free stripped down demo version that gives a feel of the real game.  The final purpose of all these is to get the player to spend money on playing games.  Some games have a prize money or a purse for the winner.  Specific games targeting men and women exist in the market as it is seen that gaming habits of men and women are different. 

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Holbien Judson

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Holbien Judson
Joined: April 12th, 2016
Articles Posted: 70

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