Role of a NCAA Concussion Lawyer

Posted by athletedefendermia on November 15th, 2022

Becoming a student-athlete is a matter of pride and joy. The young students try their best to shine academically and on the field. It is a challenging proposition, however. Representing the school in sports may be prestigious, but one has to pay the price dearly when subjected to injuries on the playing field. The coach usually calls the shots, and an erroneous judgment can result in the student being grievously injured. Sadly, not everyone takes a stand in such circumstances. This makes it essential to think of hiring an NCAA concussion lawyer who is experienced in dealing with such matters.

Ignorance often lies at the center of such follies. It is astounding to learn that according to a 2007 research study, most school coaches believed that the athlete had suffered brain injury only when the said student lost consciousness. Even more dangerous is that 25% of the coaches were willing to have the concerned student-athlete return to play within minutes of suffering a head injury.

Sure, the NCAA regularly conducts meetings and training sessions to educate the coaches about the risks of sports injuries leading to a concussion. Unfortunately, few coaches take heed as instances of such injuries continue to prevail. Almost all on-field coaches officiating in any collegiate sport such as football, basketball, hockey, soccer, or volleyball are advised to follow the under-mentioned standards when a student-athlete gets hit on the head and collapses on the field:-

· Remove the athlete from the field immediately

· Provide first aid ASAP

· Transfer the student to the nearest ER and request a check-up

· Inform the school administration as well as the parents/guardian of the student and apprise them about the facts

· Keep the student away from the field until a medical professional declares the patient to be free of concussion symptoms and advises returning to everyday life

Even after following the regulations, some coaches are put in jeopardy when the student-athlete begins to experience any or multiple of the following symptoms weeks or months after the incident on the field:-

· Fatigue

· Sleep disorder

· Imperfect balance

· Faulty motor coordination

· Brain fog

· Headaches

· Memory loss

· Blurred vision

· Hypersensitivity

· Mood swings

It is not unnatural to find the scholarship revoked by the school. Complaining to the authorities stating the reason for non-performance may be considered, however. One must have some proofs to back it up, though. The best way to move forward in such circumstances would be to consider getting an NCAA athlete representation without incurring a high cost.

The attorney would be sure to look after the student athlete's interest. Fighting for one's rights against a significant power like the NCAA is justified when the organization is liable for injury and concussion-related complications.

The student mustn't be swayed by the words of the coach or school management and withdraw the complaint. The attorney representing the student diagnosed with a concussion may also consider litigation against NCAA to obtain compensation for pain & suffering and claim medical expense reimbursement.

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