How to Choose a SEO Friendly Domain Name

Posted by Nova Smith on November 25th, 2022

If you are a business owner, you must already know that online visibility is part of the success of your business and choosing the right name for your website is a key part of the process. The right domain name can help you with ranking higher in search results and revenue growth, but if you pick the wrong domain name, you may get the exact opposite or even have Google mark your website as spam.

What is a domain?

Simply put, a domain is the name of your website on the internet and what people type into their browser to reach your page. But  that helps you increase the click-through rate and boost search traffic? Read below for some useful tips to consider before choosing your website’s name.

1. Choose a memorable and brandable domain name

When choosing a name, think about the product or services you offer and make sure it is relatable, as the URL will become part of your brand. To make your domain name brandable, make sure that it’s unique, simple and easy to remember. Also, it would need to be simple to pronounce without a particular spelling, as a uniquely spelt URL might make you lose traffic.

2. Know your keywords

Simplicity is key, so choose a domain name that contains keywords and best defines your services or product and you can start by outlining the first 3 most important ones related to your business. Just make sure your brand domain is stronger, as Google does not give as much value to stuffed keyword domains. Always choose simplicity.

3. Use the right domain extensions

Without any doubt, the most popular domain extensions are the .com’s, as many users tend to trust these more, especially the older demographic. So make sure that before purchasing a domain, you know which extension suits your business, especially when considering the country-code top-level domains, as these will affect your search results rankings. For example,  domain extasion and your users  searching your website from a city in England, Google will give your website a higher placement.  Great job again sidonia!t domain extensions.

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Nova Smith

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Nova Smith
Joined: September 1st, 2022
Articles Posted: 54

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