Asthma and Holistic Care- How They Go Hand in Hand

Posted by Sujit BIswal on December 5th, 2022

However, non-drug techniques might be a useful complement or alternative treatment in the management of asthma, even though allopathic medicines offer quick symptomatic relief to the majority of patients with little danger. A holistic approach promotes the body's natural ability to regain balance and can be utilized as a long-term therapy. Different medical systems, including Ayurveda, herbal remedies, homeopathy, naturopathy, Siddha, and Unani, are included in the holistic approach.

A holistic approach to treatment emphasizes the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical parts of each individual composing a system. Chronic disorders including asthma, diabetes and heart conditions have been regarded by doctors as requiring a more comprehensive approach to treatment. Holistic medicine provides a way to heal and sees asthma as a treatable disorder.

Proven Herbal Remedies 

What choices are available to you if you have severe asthma and are having problems controlling your symptoms? Herbal remedies have been demonstrated in a few small studies to reduce asthma symptoms. These remedies claim to alleviate asthma if continued religiously.

  • Honey - One of the most powerful natural medicines is honey. Honey provides comfort because it thins collected mucus and aids in the removal of it from the respiratory canal.

  • Garlic- It is advised to consume 10 garlic cloves each day, boiled in 30 ml of milk. Drinking hot ginger tea with minced garlic in the morning and evening can also help in controlling asthma.

  • Turmeric- Treatment with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a glass of milk, taken on an empty stomach two or three times per day, is quite successful.

  • Bitter gourd Root-  A spoonful of the root paste combined with a similar amount of honey or holy basil juice makes a great expectorant and asthma treatment.

Holistic Care Courses

From a natural medicine perspective, asthma symptoms can typically be reduced or eliminated with dietary modifications and medical guidelines that target the root causes of poor health. According to the age, symptoms, and medical history, treatment options might vary from patient to patient.

  • Adapting herbal treatments to particular triggers and symptoms

  • Modifying the diet to eliminate irritants and allergies in the food

  • Including more nutritious meals that promote respiratory health in the diet

  • Exercises for reducing stress, such as yoga, visualization, and breathing techniques

  • Choosing the right forms of exercise and controlling intensity in consultation with your doctor to avoid triggering an asthma attack

  • Taking dietary supplements can help the body cope with stress by reducing inflammation (antioxidants like Vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids), supporting gut health (probiotics), boosting immunity (Vitamin D), relaxing muscles (magnesium), and supporting immunity (zinc)

These are but a few illustrations of potential therapeutic strategies. A skilled holistic doctor will thoroughly examine you and provide a customized treatment plan based on your medical background and current healthcare requirements.

Consulting an Allergist

A common way that asthma attacks are described is by trying to breathe through the water. For some, it feels like an elephant sitting on their chest. Even a person who has lived with asthma for a long time can have varying symptoms depending on their age and what triggers an episode. This means treating asthma requires an individualized approach, exactly what a skilled holistic physician can provide, and help you find long-lasting healing approaches to living with asthma.

Keep a Healthy Body Weight  

Obesity is a major health problem, and obesity is associated with a high incidence of asthma and poor asthma control. Extra weight means you are more likely to have worse asthma symptoms and asthma attacks. If you do have an attack, it could be more severe.  But healthy weight management can help your severe asthma. It is proven that if you lose excess weight, you will likely see benefits to your asthma. Getting to a healthy weight also lowers your risk of an asthma attack and needing to go to the hospital because of your asthma.

  • You may notice asthma symptoms improving, feel more able to get on with things you want to do in life, and feel more confident.

  • You should see more benefits from your preventer medicine. Your preventer medicine keeps the inflammation down in your airways, making you less likely to react to your asthma triggers. You may notice you don’t need to use your reliever medicine as often or you have fewer asthma attacks.

  • Losing some weight also means you are less at risk of other conditions like acid reflux and sleep apnoea, which can make your asthma worse. And it could mean you respond better to the flu vaccine.

Don’t Let Asthma Knock the Wind Out of You

Asthma is a chronic condition that can follow you for the rest of your life, causing you unending agony and ongoing medical problems. Visit the free Mini-Course on Healing Asthma Holistically by RedAsh TV to learn more about treating your asthma holistically using three tried-and-true alternative therapies and taking the first step toward an asthma-free living. Keep moving!

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Sujit BIswal

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Sujit BIswal
Joined: September 19th, 2022
Articles Posted: 95

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