Consider NCAA Sports Litigation

Posted by athletedefendermia on December 14th, 2022

Gaining admission to a college of choice can be extremely challenging when the concerned student does not have the academic grades to fulfill the criterion. Scholarship seems to be far away for mediocre students too. Paying their way through 4-year-old college may become impossible for many students. There is a way out here for students who show their prowess on the field. A majority of the top educational institutions offer scholarships to the best sportsperson who are pleased to obtain the necessary financial support.

 “The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)” functions as the legislative & administrative body for such student-athletes. It is important to note that the student-athlete has to sign a contract with the NCAA before receiving the required scholarship from the college authorities. One has to follow the regulations perfectly, as violations are not taken lightly. Student-athletes may request NCAA athlete representation from a legal professional should they encounter difficulties obtaining the scholarship or face physical/mental misdoings from the coach or team members.

It is also a good idea to have a lawyer go through the contract carefully before the student signs on the dotted line accepting financial assistance in exchange for representing the school on the playing field. Unfortunately, few do it as they are eager to embark on a new path.

Some of the aspects that require careful consideration by the student-athlete are as follows:-

· Amateurism- A College student who enrolls with a Division I or Davison II school will be treated like an amateur who plays for the school without accepting any monetary compensation in exchange. Hiring a professional sports agent and accepting prize money is a strict no-no too. Many student-athletes who excel on the field may be asked to promote products commercially. However, such an act is forbidden and amounts to a violation of NCAA regulations.

· Drugs- The student-athletes are banned from using drugs of any kind while representing their schools. The school authorities and NCAA representatives undertake the testing process for each student-athlete. Students who are found violating this rule may lose eligibility for a year, whereas a student-athlete fund violating it repeatedly will be banned from playing for the school.

· Violating the Code of Conduct- The student-athlete is a student and must follow the codes of conduct as laid down by the concerned school/college. Any severe violations may cause the school to revoke the scholarship and loss its place in the school team for good. The rules do seem a bit harsh, but the student-athlete can appeal to NCAA authorities and request them to withdraw the penalties. Having a seasoned NCAA lawyer representing the student during the appeal can help.

· Transfers- Many student-athletes express a desire to transfer to other schools during a season. They have to follow the rules of the NCAA to achieve this objective. The NCAA rules regarding transfers are quite complex, and a student must be careful about not committing any violations while asking for a transfer.

There are instances of young students opting for NCAA sports litigation when appeals fail. Students who have been wronged by the NCAA may sue the coach or the administrative body to obtain justice.

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