Need To Install Home Elevators in Buffalo and Ithaca

Posted by accesselevator on December 15th, 2022

Trying to navigate the stairs can seem to be a tad too much, even when one is in the prime of life. The same exercise can be extremely troublesome for senior citizens who happen to be above 65. The common advice that such individuals receive is to downsize their move into an assisted living facility. The elderly population is reluctant to do so and cherishes living in the same home full of memories. The independence that comes with living alone is cherished as well. One of the best accessibility solutions in such circumstances is installing a quality stairlift at the earliest opportunity!

One must not feel confused about the different types of devices available, however. It stands to reason that the straight stairlift fulfills the expectations perfectly when the stairway at home is a simple one with no breaks or curvature in between. This can be installed rapidly and is the most affordable option too. Not all stairways are straight. The homeowner would have to decide to install a curved stairlift in Buffalo and Rochester.

There is no reason to be astonished to be presented with this option, though. It is essential to know that this product is usually a customized one that is built to match the existing stairway perfectly. The installers take the landings and curved angles into consideration and create a rail that follows the stairway perfectly. Parking may pose to be difficult when the stairlift is tailor-made. One cannot hope to park it on the stairway even when the seat and armrests are folded and remain out of sight. Thankfully, professional installers may bend the track just a little to allow parking of the lift discretely so that it remains safe without occupying too much space.

There are numerous brands to choose from and order when intent on installing a customized, curved stairlift. Stannah remains the most sought-after brand for residents who are pleased to have the stairlift up and running quickly. Some of the features that have been appreciated greatly by consumers selecting the Stannah brand of products include:-

· Recall-Unlike a straight stairlift, one does not have to reach the upper-end r the bottom of the stairway to park it conveniently. Recalling the lift with the aid of a remote control is an additional advantage that enables the user to experience both comfort and convenience according to the need.

· Swivel- The user must swivel the seat to disembark at the landing safely. Unfortunately, the elderly occupant may find it challenging to do it manually. The curved model from Stannah comes with a power option that automatically swivels the seat in the right direction.

· Footplate- Resting the feet on a wide footplate ensures comfort. The footplate, along with the seat, can be folded neatly, allowing the lift to minimize space when it is parked. The powered feature dies the needful without requiring the user to bend down and fold it.

One can opt for the installation of home elevators in Buffalo and Ithaca when space is not a constraint.

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