Key Strategies and Best Practices of Kotlin Development Company

Posted by Nextbrain Technologies on December 16th, 2022

Kotlin is a programming language that enables developers to develop apps with ease. It also helps make applications faster and more reliable. Its features include inline functions, lambda expressions and other specialized language constructs. You must also be aware of the key strategies and best practices that your developer should follow. These strategies and practices will help you to ensure that you develop an application that is user-friendly, scalable, and performant.

Look for the best kotlin development company

Inline functions

Inline functions are useful for accessing higher-order functions. Inline functions are usually declared with the keyword inline. This will cause the compiler to copy the inlined function's parameters to the call site. These functions are useful for passing other functions as arguments. But they can be a performance hit. Inline functions should be reusable, generic and not too large.

Inline functions can also be used to avoid creating new objects at the calling side. This is important for memory allocation. However, it can also increase the size of your code. Especially for functions that use a lot of local variables.

The main benefit of inline functions is speed. The Kotlin compiler does not allocate memory for them. The generated bytecode will be copied to all places the function is called from. This means that it is not a very big performance hit, even for a large function.

When you are looking for a kotlin development company, there are many factors that you need to consider, such as the size of the company, the experience of the team, etc. 

Method overriding

Method overriding is a Java feature that allows a class to override the method of another class. This is useful when you want to have different behavior for your subclasses. However, it can also cause run-time exceptions.

You can override methods in Kotlin, but the syntax has some differences. The Kotlin compiler can check the code at compile time to make sure the method is being called. It is a good idea to use nullable variables. You will then have to ensure that the data type of the argument matches the signature of the overriding method.

One way to do this is by defining a default value for the argument. For instance, if the argument is a var1, you will need to replace it with a var0. This makes it easy to override a function without having to write boilerplate.

Unlike in Java, a Kotlin class can override any method. This feature is especially useful if you have several child classes.

Dedicated result class hierarchy

A dedicated result class hierarchy can boost code protection and code readability. A good example of this is the Kotlin 1.4 sealed class hierarchy. A sealed class is an inline class that restricts its hierarchy to the subclasses you provide it. In most cases, you can reuse this type of class hierarchy.

There are many reasons why a dedicated result class hierarchy is the way to go, but a few stand out. For example, a dedicated result class hierarchy will be more readable and will provide greater traceability. It is also easier to implement than a method that throws an exception. And if your API requires multiple requests, it makes more sense to implement it in a batch rather than a single request. And you will never have to worry about throwing an obnoxious exception.

One of the biggest benefits of a dedicated result class hierarchy is the fact that it can be used to make more sophisticated types of data holders. For example, if you are building a reusable data object for your API, you can use a sealed object as the base for your class.


If you have been looking for an alternative to Java, then Kotlin could be the ideal language for you. It is a programming language that can provide you with a host of benefits. It also helps you avoid many of the shortcomings of Java.

Compared to Java, Kotlin is compact, efficient and easy to write. It allows you to develop and debug code in less time. This saves you more time and money. It will also lead to fewer bugs and crashes.

A recent study showed that using Kotlin reduced the number of lines of code by 30 percent. This means that you can write better code faster. That can help your team focus on the next task.

In addition, Kotlin is easier to maintain than Java. It is able to detect and fix errors before the application runs. It also helps teams interact more easily. Hire kotlin developers for your business app.

Because of its streamlined syntax, it is easy for programmers to understand its features. Moreover, it is simple to compile to JavaScript.

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Nextbrain Technologies

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Nextbrain Technologies
Joined: June 4th, 2021
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