The Relationship Between Enzyme Function and Health

Posted by Iva Colter on December 26th, 2022

In the early 20th century, humans discovered vitamins, and then trace elements and minerals. It was only in the mid-1980s that humans realized the importance of enzymes. Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine Arthur Kornberg said: "For our lives, we can no longer find other substances as important as enzymes in nature." Enzymes control the entire body, and when enzymes function abnormally is fatal to human.

People have such a question: why do many elderly people eat calcium but can't replenish it? The key problem is that it is not absorbed, which is caused by insufficient enzymes in the body. With the aging and disorders of the human body, some enzymes are missing and some are idle, resulting in various chronic diseases and cancer.

Human life and death are related to enzymes, which determine our health and longevity. The latest foreign research shows that "enzyme deficiency" is the number one killer of health. All diseases, from cancer to mild cold, have a total root cause enzyme deficiency. When the level of enzymes in the body rises, the disease disappears. Conversely, lower enzyme levels can lead to disease and even fatal consequences.

Enzymes have many effects on the human body.

Antibacterial defense

White blood cells contain several enzymes, which can promote the fungus's bactericidal effect. When acute illness or inflammation, the number of white blood cells will increase rapidly to fight against foreign bacteria. The human oral cavity, nasal mucosa, and conjunctiva of the eyeball are all places where bacteria can easily grow. The enzymes in the human saliva, nose, and tears have the effect of bacteriolysis and sterilization, making people less likely to be infected by pathogens.

Purify blood

Enzymes can break down waste in the blood, keep the blood weakly alkaline, and promote blood circulation. Amino acid metabolism in the human body will produce harmful substances such as amonia. When the concentration of amonia in the blood is too high, it will cause people to fall asleep, and the enzymes in the body can convert amonia into low toxicity. The urine is excreted from the body, if there is no such enzyme, the body will be filled with harmful substances.

Thermal energy

Because of the action of enzymes, the oxidation reaction can be carried out at normal temperature to generate heat energy, and the heat energy can be stored, and the heat energy can be released in time according to the needs of the body. The storage and utilization of these heat energies all depend on the action of enzymes.


The so-called metabolism is the degeneration of cells. Human cells have a life cycle. When cells age, necrosis must be renewed. However, the process of decomposing aging and necrotic cells and the process of making new cells is quite a huge project, not a few. Enzymes can be completed, it must be done through the division of labor and cooperation of various enzymes. In the process of cell manufacturing, some enzymes are responsible for monitoring the operating status of various enzymes. The role of enzymes covers the entire cell manufacturing process.


When we chew rice, the starch in the rice will be broken down by the amylase in the saliva to become maltose or dextrin. At the same time, you will feel the chewy and sweeter, which is the result of the enhanced enzyme decomposition. In addition, there are many digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that help digest and absorb nutrients. It can convert food into water-soluble substances, such as sugar into monosaccharides, protein into amino acids, and fat into fatty acids or glycerin, so that the body can absorb use.


The first role of enzymes is the redox reaction. Oxidation is the process by which a substance combines with oxygen to form an oxide, while reduction is the process where oxygen molecules in the oxide disappear and return to their original state. Enzymes are indispensable catalysts in this reaction process. Human respiration and a series of heat generation and metabolism are redox reactions.

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Iva Colter

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Iva Colter
Joined: April 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 91

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