What Are the 4 Main Types of Sciatica?

Posted by Ajay Garg on December 26th, 2022

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. Sciatica comes about when there is injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve. This symptom manifests as mild to severe pain that starts in the lower back and moves deep into the buttock and down the leg. Here are four different types of sciatica and how they are treated. 

1. Acute Sciatica 

When you experience acute sciatica, the pain usually lasts four to eight weeks. The pain does not usually require medical attention, so you can manage it using home remedies. 

2. Chronic Sciatica 

Chronic sciatica presents itself as a persistent pain that stays longer than eight weeks. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take care of this pain on your own at home. You should consult a pain specialist to get the ideal pain management option. 

3. Alternating Sciatica 

Alternating sciatica occurs in both legs in an alternating manner. This type of pain is rare. It occurs when there is an issue with the sacroiliac joints. 

4. Bilateral Sciatica 

If you suffer from bilateral sciatica, you may feel pain in both legs simultaneously. This type of pain occurs when a disc or vertebra has degenerated. Bilateral sciatica is extremely rare. 

Sciatica Treatment 

Consider consulting a pain specialist as soon as possible when you detect unusual pain in your lower back, buttock, or leg. The earlier you address the problem, the sooner you prevent the symptoms from progressing. 

Sciatica treatment in Delray Beach involves both surgical and non-surgical methods. A medical professional explores the non-surgical methods that can be used first. Your healthcare provider may suggest surgery when the underlying cause is severe. 

Non-Surgical Sciatica Treatments 

Non-surgical sciatica treatment in Delray Beach includes physical therapy, medication, chiropractic therapy, and massage therapy. 

Physical therapy includes stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning. It helps to increase core strength, strengthen the muscles of the lower back and spine, and promote the smooth movement of fluids in the body. It is important to avoid prolonged periods of inactivity. 

Prescribed medication from a certified professional can also help in pain relief. Examples of these medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), oral steroids, tricyclic antidepressants, opioid analgesics, and anticonvulsant medications. 

Chiropractic therapy helps to align the spine by manipulating it manually. A certified chiropractor should perform the procedure. 

This procedure may help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve by correcting spinal stenosis and herniated discs. The procedure helps to improve spinal alignment and is not painful. 

Deep tissue massage helps to relieve pain in several ways, such as relaxing tight muscles. It also helps to release endorphins in the body, which manage pain naturally. Deep tissue massage also improves blood circulation, triggering a healing process in the body. 

Surgical Sciatica Treatment 

Usually, a medical professional recommends surgical treatment options when the non-surgical options fail to work. However, they may consider surgery the first option when you have cauda equina syndrome, an infection, tumors, or bilateral sciatica. 

Contact Expert Care Center for sciatica treatment in Delray Beach. Our pain specialist will explore the available pain management options to help your pain go away.

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Ajay Garg

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Ajay Garg
Joined: July 22nd, 2022
Articles Posted: 46

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