House Clearance Merton Horror Stories & How to Avoid Your Own

Posted by Rubbish and Garden Clearance on December 31st, 2022

House Clearance Merton Horror Stories & How to Avoid Your Own

Having been in the house clearance Merton industry for many years we’ve clearly come crossways our fair share of sorry tales, bad workmanship, careless dealings, and rip-off merchants who will take advantage of gullible people. Getting a house cleared is a job that is often undertaken when you are stressed, short of time, and vulnerable so it is little wonder that you can fall foul of unscrupulous traders who will be looking to rip you off for a rapid buck.

Rubbish and Garden Clearance are providing House Clearance in Merton. In any type of job, we professionally do our work to fulfill our customer’s requirements. We can provide a professional rubbish clearance service that suits you and your requirements.

Here we’ll list just some of the horror house clearance in Merton scams we’ve come across, explain some of the warning signs to look out for, and give you some tips on how to avoid getting caught out.

The top of the list has to be fly tipping.  These days a company must be approved to carry and dispose of waste correctly.  Sadly, there are many rogues who are willing to take benefit of unsuspecting people and will take away your rubbish only to unlawfully dump it just around the corner.

They’ll even have the daring to take your money as well. But your dilemmas won’t end there as the fly-tipped waste is your rubbish and if there’s a cover left in your rubbish with your name and speech on it, then expect a hefty fine flying your way in the very near future, to add affront to injury.

Steering Clear of Dodgy Traders

Thankfully, there are some rapid checks you can make to confirm that the company you use for clearing your house is licensed and trustworthy.  First, make sure they have a waste carrier license, and that it is up to date. It is also a good impression to check their address and contact particulars are correct. A reputable house clearance company in Merton will have a large list of self-governing reviews from preceding customers that are clearly visible.

Warning signs to look out for comprise a quote that seems too cheap, dumping waste sensibly costs money if you are doing it commercially and this wants to be reflected in the price.  Asking for payment upfront is another red flag, a trustworthy company that is following the law will happily offer proof that your waste has been willing correctly before asking for payment.

Are they easily recognizable and noticeable themselves? Someone about to fly landfill will be trying to fly under the locator so that any flack comes back to you. They are improbable to need to leave a paper trail such as quotes and statements and are more likely to need everything orally with cash in hand.

Another, all too common, complaint we hear from discontented homeowners who have been left wanting when it comes to house clearance service in Merton is hidden charges. There’s nothing more stressful than thinking that you have control over your budget only to find that the company you select to clear up your property custodies you extra time because the job took lengthier or for specialist handling of items such as electrical things. 

Sometimes this can be a thoughtful tactic of the company to gratuitously inflate their price but can also be the fault of the staff owner failing to brief the clearance company fully.

Taking Sensible Phases when Clearing Your House

Either way, there are periods you can take to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.  It is very important that you are very clear precisely what wants clearing from your property and where about in the property all are located.  When getting a quote make sure that they comprehend precisely what it is that is being cleared and any problems that will make things problematic and get a quote in writing detailing this so that both gatherings are clear before the start of what the job involves.

Don’t worry if you have ignored something though, as this stuff does happen.  Just let your clearance company in Merton know as soon as likely so they can factor the additional time in if needs be. Another tale of woe that we hear all too often is taking payment upfront.

This can principal to all manner of difficulties such as the job dragging on for weeks when you are salaried for a rapid fix or leaving you with a half-finished job to clear up physically. The worst drawback of handing over your money before the job begins is that they don’t show up at all, leaving you having to find additional companies to do the clearance for you and out of pocket to a gumboot.

The only way to defend yourself from this type of careless trading is to look for a house clearance company in Merton that only takes payment once the job is finished and you are completely content. There are plenty of us around. Hopefully the above will have given you some thoughts to ensure that you don’t end up in an alike predicament and your house clearance Merton runs smoothly.

How to Keep the Cost of House Clearance in Merton Down

Here we will discover how expensive house clearances can be in the UK and conducts that you can keep the price down. Reasonably it’s the first question everybody asks when they query about a house clearance service in Merton, how much will it cost me?

There are numerous factors that will touch the total cost of some clearance, here are just a few.

The quantity that must be removed – You may be charged by the volume of objects that want to be removed (by weight or square foot) or by the real number of items. Types of things – If it is just simply ordinary items and rubbish that want clearing, you’ll be charged based on the amount.

However, some things will incur an additional charge because they enclose hazardous material and need specialized clearance. Fridges and freezers fall into this type. The difficulty involved – Large, weighty items that are problematic to man oeuvre will incur an advanced fee.

Access to the site – If it is problematic to park the van near the house that is empty or the route to and from has problems that will slow down the job and add to the general cost. We are a reputable house clearance company in Merton, are fully licensed and protected to remove all kinds of unwanted waste, and are happy to give you a fair estimate.

Cost Cutting Tips

Seeing the above it is likely to cut the cost of getting a house cleared, though this will largely be contingent on your conditions. If you can you should sort out everything of value first and sell it to help balance the cost. These days it is calmer to do this through auction sites and social media.

Donate things to charity if you are unable to sell them. Some charities will collect things for free that they can sell but everything you can do to decrease the amount of rubbish to be emptied from the house will help the final cost.

Make sure that all things are as nearby as possible. Any problems that will slow down the job and can be moved prior to the job beginning will cut down the time essential and help lower the price. Grip all the small, easy-to-clean, and arrange objects yourself leaving the professionals just the items you cannot manage.

A Word of Warning

Beware of low-cost proposals for clearing a house as they can reduce into the too-good-to-be-true category. Getting clear of unwanted stuff must be done correctly and there are legal wants that can be costly to confirm that all waste is disposed of in a globally safe way.

We are Providing Rubbish Clearance Services in London and Surrey including Rubbish Removal, House Clearance, Garden Clearance, Office Clearance, and Waste Collection Services. To get the best clearance services in London and Surrey. Contact Rubbish and Garden Clearance in London and Surrey for any type of rubbish clearance activities.

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Rubbish and Garden Clearance
Joined: October 13th, 2022
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