Chinese people can get married in Thailand

Posted by Elijah on January 3rd, 2023

Under Thai law, getting married is a pretty straightforward process. This is true for some foreigners whose embassies have a clear process for giving the affirmation or affidavit of freedom to marry, which is one of the most important things you need to be able to register your marriage in Thailand. Then, each embassy has its own set of rules to follow before giving this document to a citizen. Some only need the applicant's passport and divorce certificate, while others need a full dossier from the applicant's home country. The Chinese embassy is one of the embassies that has a strict process for giving out the affirmation of freedom to marry.

First of all, data macau only Chinese people who have moved to Thailand and are living there can get married in the Kingdom. By "settled," we mean that the Chinese person has one of Thailand's non-immigrant visas because he is working, running a business, going to school, or retiring there. Tourist visa holders can't get married because the Chinese embassy won't let them know they are free to do so. In addition to helping Chinese people, they also help people from Hong Kong and Macau, which are parts of China that have their own governments.

If the person's immigration status is one of the ones listed above, he or she can go ahead and get the documents needed to have the unmarried statement or affirmation of freedom to marry notarized. On the website of the Chinese embassy, you can find out how to get a notarized copy of an unmarried statement.

Once you have the notarized unmarried statement from the Chinese embassy, you can take it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to have it translated and then legalised. Since the Thai government got rid of express legalisation, the legalisation process now takes 3 days. So, you think you'll be able to get married after 4-5 business days from the time your embassy in Thailand sent you a statement saying you're not married.

During the registration of the marriage, for which you need at least two witnesses, the registrar will give you a Thai marriage certificate. You need to give these to a translator so that they can be turned into English. You would also have to send the certificates and their translations to the MFA so that they can be made official. This way, it will be recognised as a valid document in your home country or anywhere else outside of Thailand where you might need to use it.

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